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ctmfw File Watcher utility

The ctmfw (Control-M File Watcher) utility, enables you to detect the successful completion of a file transfer activity and to create or delete a file. You can use it before activating a job or before performing a task, such as sending a shout message or adding/deleting conditions, which is dependent upon a created file.

NOTE: The Control-M File Watcher utility does not support files with a modify time older than 50 years.

The ctmfw utility runs as a process on a client computer. The process waits for the creation or deletion of a specified file. The ctmfw utility does the following:

The ctmfw utility can be run from the command line or be invoked to detect a single file or multiple files. For more information, see Watching a single file and Watching multiple files.

You can create a File Watcher job, as described in Creating a job, by using the File Watcher job parameters. Variables can be used in parameter fields.

NOTE: You cannot run a File Watcher job on a remote host.

There are two usages for this utility:

To view a detailed File Watcher overview video, see

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server utilities