This procedure describes how to create a Web Launch software package, which you can use to deploy to every computer in your organization over the Web.
Before you begin
To create a Web Launch package:
The Control-M/EM Web Launch - Prepare Package window appears.
The Web Launch package is identified by the instance name, port number, and hostname parameters. If you want to deploy an update on a Web Launch package, ensure that you define the same instance name, port number and hostname as the previous package. If one of these parameters are changed, then the package is recognized as a separate instance. If you want to have multiple packages simultaneously, you must change the instance name.
If you created a Web Launch software package on a computer that has only the Control-M/EM client installed, you need to copy .tar and .zip files to the Web server home directory, as described in Copying files to the Web server.
If you are using a different web server, create a physical directory in the web server host and define it as a virtual directory called web-launch. Copy the .tar and .zip files to this physical directory. Every time you generate a new Web Launch package, the new .zip and .tar files overwrite the previous .zip and .tar files.
The package is created and you can now deploy the package, as described in Deploying the Web Launch package.
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