Deploying the Web Launch package

This procedure describes how to deploy a Web Launch package to every computer in your organization over the Web.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have met the following requirements:

To deploy the Web Launch package:

  1. Click the package link from the package that you created, as described in Creating a Web Launch package.

    The BMC Control-M/EM Web Launch page appears.

    If you created a Web Launch software package and you want to copy the package to another computer (for example, UNIX), you need to provide the following URL to all that require the Web Launch package:


    If the application links in the Web Launch page are not operational, you need to add the host computer (the computer containing the Web server) to the browser’s list of trusted sites and click the link again.

  2. Inform all that require the Web Launch package to do the following:
    1. From a Web browser, type the supplied URL.

      The BMC Control-M/EM Web Launch page appears.

    2. Click one of the available applications (Control-M Workload AutomationControl-M, or CCM).

      The package will be deployed across the entire suite of Control-M/EM applications.

    3. Click Install.

      The Web Launch package is installed on your computer and the Control‑M/EM client components are now available from the Start > All Programs menu.

Parent Topic

Control-M Web Launch