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Load-Indexes Status screen

The Load-Indexes Status screen tracks the current load level of all defined Load-Indexes and provides access to a display of history for any specific Load-Index. In addition, through this screen you can manually override the load level value of any specific Load-Index, and subsequently release the override. You can also access a browse-only display of Load-Index definitions for any specific Load-Index.

You enter this screen from the Workload Management Entry Panel by entering the IS option.

Figure 138i Load-Indexes Status screen

----------------------------- LOAD-INDEXES STATUS ------------ UP ---------(IS)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

 O NAME                 TYPE DESCRIPTION          SET AT                LEVEL

   Z_LIX                UTIL SEVERITY INDEX       2019/11/17 17:10      MEDIUM

   Y_LIX                EXT  LOAD-INDEX 1         2019/11/17 17:38      IDLE   

   A_LIX                4HRA LOAD-INDEX 2         2019/10/31 11:43 (O)  V-HIGH

   TEST_LI              UTIL TEST LOAD-INDEX      2019/11/12 15:49 (O)  CRITICAL

   MVA01                MVA  MAINVIEW ALARMS      2019/11/15 18:27      CRITICAL

  ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  END OF LOAD-INDEXES LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====== 




CMD: NOTE, DESC, SORT          

The status of Workload Optimization through the use of Load-Index calculations is displayed at the top of the screen, towards the right. The following statuses are available:

The table that lists the Load-Indexes has the following columns:

Table 155l Columns on the Load-Indexes Status screen




A field for entering various management options, as described in the next table


The name of the Load-Index


The type of Load-Index, based on how the measurements are obtained and calculated:

  • UTIL — Utilization computed by Control-M
  • 4HRA — 4-Hour Rolling Average computed by Control-M
  • EXT — Computed by an external application or utility
  • MVA — MainView Alarm data obtained from BMC AMI Ops Automation


A textual description defined for the Load-Index

Note: When the NOTE column appears, the DESCRIPTION column does not appear. To switch between these columns, use the DESC and NOTE commands.


Date and time when the current load level was changed for the Load-Index


A textual note entered for the Load-Index, typically to justify a manual override or the release of an override

Note: When the DESCRIPTION column appears, the NOTE column does not appear. To switch between these columns, use the NOTE and DESC commands.

Override indication

(O) indicates an overridden value in the next column, if the current load level value is the result of a manual override.


The current load level, one of the following: CRITICAL, V-HIGH (very high), HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, IDLE

The following commands are available for use through the command line:

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the name of the Load-Index and press Enter.

Table 155m Options of the Load-Indexes Status screen




Display details of a single Load-Index on a browse-only Load-Index: screen.


Display a history of load levels and changes for a specific Load-Index on the Load-Index History screen.


Manually override the load level of a Load-Index, as described in Overriding the load level of a Load-Index.


Release an override on a Load-Index, as described in Releasing an override on a Load-Index.


Add or modify a note of a Load-Index.

Parent Topic

Using Load-Indexes in workload optimization