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Load-Index: <Load-Index name> screen

This screen displays the definitions of a specific Load-Index and enables you to define a new Load-Index or modify an existing Load-Index.

You enter this screen from the Load-Indexes Definition screen by using the ADD command, selecting a specific Load-Index, or requesting to insert a Load-Index. You can also access a browse-only display of this screen from the Load-Indexes Status screen by selecting a specific Load-Index.

Note: This screen is displayed in Browse mode also if another user is already editing Load-Indexes. You cannot edit a Load-Index while another user is editing Load-Indexes.

The following example screen contains details of a Load-Index of type UTIL.

Figure 138h Load-Index: <Load-Index name> screen

                  LOAD-INDEX: LI1234                                          

 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL===> CRSR


|                                                                             |

| Load-Index Name ==> LI1234                                                  |

|                                                                             |

| Description ==>                                                             |

|                                                                             |

| Type        ==> U         (U-Util, 4-4HRA, E-External, M-MainView Alarm)    |

|                                                                             |

| Based On    ==> ACCUM     (ACCUM/MAXLPAR/MINLPAR/MAXCPC/MINCPC)             |

|                                                                             |

| Thresholds  ==> Critical 90 , V-High 80 , High 70 , Medium 60 , Low 00      |

| ============================= L P A R  S E T ============================== |

|                                                                             |

| Include:                                                                    |

|  Home: LPAR ==>   (Y)  CPC ==>   (Y)  JESPLEX ==>   (Y)  SYSPLEX ==> Y (Y)  |

|  LPARs      ==> MVS1    MVS2                                                |

|  CPCs       ==>                                                             |

|  SCHEDENVs  ==>                                                             |

|                                                                             |

| Exclude:                                                                    |

|  LPARs      ==> MVS9                                                        |

| =========================================================================== |

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF LOAD-INDEX DETAILS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

The following parameters are available for a Load-Index.

Table 155k Load-Index Parameters



Load-Index Name

The name of the Load-Index


A text that describes the Load-Index


Type of Load-Index, based on how the measurements are obtained and calculated:

  • U — Utilization computed by Control-M
  • 4 — 4-Hour Rolling Average
  • E — Computed by an external application or utility
  • M — MainView Alarm data obtained from BMC AMI Ops Automation

Based On

The source of the data for setting thresholds:

  • ACCUM — Accumulated data from all LPARs and CPCs
  • MAXLPAR — Data from the LPAR with the highest measurements
  • MINLPAR — Data from the LPAR with the lowest measurements
  • MAXCPC — Data from the CPC with the highest measurements
  • MINCPC — Data from the CPC with the lowest measurements


Percentages of MSU utilization that mark load levels.

The following default values are available for thresholds:

  • Critical: 90%
  • Very High: 80%
  • High: 70%
  • Medium: 60%
  • Low: 0%


The scope of LPARs where the Load-Index is measured.


Specify the scope of LPARs to include in the measurements and calculations for this Load-Index.

In the Home line, you can set the scope of LPARs that are associated with Control-M's Global Monitor (the GSM). Enter a Y (yes) beside any of the following items:

  • LPAR — The LPAR (SMF ID) where the GSM runs.
  • CPC — All LPARs in the CPC (that is, the physical hardware) where the GSM runs.
  • JESPLEX — All LPARs in the JESPLEX where the GSM runs, that is, all LPARs that share the same spool with Control-M.
  • SYSPLEX — All LPARs in the SYSPLEX where the GSM runs.
    By default, only SYSPLEX is set to Y.

Below the Home line, you can specify additional items to include in the measurements for the Load-Index:

  • LPARs — 4-character SMF IDs
  • CPCs
  • SCHEDENVs (scheduling environments)

For multiple values, use space characters between the names of these additional items.


Specify LPARs (SMF IDs) to exclude from Load-Index calculations.

For multiple values, use space characters between LPAR names.

Parent Topic

Using Load-Indexes in workload optimization