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Approval Tree Parameters

The following parameters are displayed for each Approval. This information can be updated here or in the Approval Definition screen, which is described in Approval Definition Screen.

  LEVELS  ===> 10 Y 15 Y 20 Y 25 Y 30 Y 40 Y 50 Y 55 Y 60 Y 80 Y


       15 APP1     APPROVAL PROCESS1

          PARENT: CDAPPROV      LEVEL: 10             

Table 57 Parameters of the Approval Tree




This parameter allows you to display or hide specific levels in the tree. The defined levels are listed.

  • Y (Yes) – Display the level's Approvals. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not display the level's Approvals.


2-digit level code (01-99) that is site dependent and reflects the Approval's level in the approval process organization hierarchy.


Name of the Approval element, which represents 1 or more users that can approve reports from Control-D/WebAccess Server. This name must be unique in the tree.

You can define single-level Approvals or multi-level approvals. Use single-level Approvals if you want the report to be approved by a single Approval. Use Multi Approval if the report requires approval from more than one Approval.

For Multi Approval, you can choose between two modes — Multi-level Approval or Parallel Approval. For more information, see Multi-level Approvals in Approval Trees.


Description of the Approval (free text). Only the first line of the description is displayed in this screen.


Parent of the current Approval and the level of the parent. These parameters can be displayed or hidden as desired.

Parent Topic

Recipient/Approval Tree List Screen