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Recipient Tree Parameters

The following parameters are displayed for each recipient. This information can be updated here or in the Recipient Definition screen, which is described in Recipient Definition Screen.

LEVELS  ===> 10 Y 15 Y 20 Y 25 Y 30 Y 50 Y 55 Y 60 Y 80 Y 90 Y


                 55 MKT      MARKETING DEPARTMENT

                         PARENT: MGT       LEVEL: 20

Table 56 Parameters of the Recipient Tree




This parameter allows you to display or hide specific levels in the tree. The defined levels are listed.

  • Y (Yes) – Display the recipients at that level. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not display the recipients at that level.


2-digit level code (01-99) that is site dependent and reflects the recipient’s level in the organization hierarchy.


Main identifying name of the recipient, up to eight characters. This name must be unique in the tree.

If you change the level, the line automatically adjusts its indentation (horizontal position). However, the parent name remains the same (it is not automatically adjusted). The physical position of the recipient in the tree does not determine parent and child relationships. Only the parent field specifies the actual relationship.

A recipient can be the child of any one recipient at a higher level in the tree.


Description of the recipient (free text). Only the first line of the description is displayed in this screen.


Parent of the current recipient and the level of the parent. These parameters can be displayed or hidden as desired.

Parent Topic

Recipient/Approval Tree List Screen