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Printing by Original Destination (*SPOOL Option)

When Control-V prints a report, it uses (as a default) the destination specified in the Active User Report list. (If the destination is not specified, it uses the main computer printer.) For additional information, see Defining Report Recipients. It is the responsibility of the user to fill in the destination for each report, user, or job (only once in the Permanent User Report file). However, it is sometimes not convenient to do so, especially when using generic decollation missions where the job name is not known. In such cases, there can be a requirement to print the report on the original DEST which was specified for the report (on the spool).

A special option exists in Control-V for such situations. The option is activated by using the DEST field of the report decollating mission. If destination *SPOOL is specified in the ON Statement DEST field, Control-V determines the report destination either by the original destination of the report on the spool, or according to parameter DEST in CDAM. This applies to all pages (identified and unidentified) processed by the current ON Statement. For more information, see Destination – Control-V Search Order.

MAX COPIES Subparameter

The MAX COPIES subparameter is the maximum number of copies of the reports defined under the ON statement that can be printed for a single user. This value overrides any higher value specified in parameter COP (Copies) of the Active User Report list. Subparameter MAX COPIES ensures that no user requests an unreasonable number of copies. This parameter applies to all pages within the ON block. If subparameter MAX COPIES is omitted, the general JOB DEFAULTS MAX COPIES is used instead for all occurrences where this parameter would apply.

Subparameter PRT COPIES cannot be greater than subparameter MAX COPIES. If COPIES is set to 99 and MAX COPIES is set to 99, the number of copies to print can be specified in parameter COPIES of a CDAM JCL SUBSYS option. For more information, see CDAM Parameters.

Parent Topic

ON Statement Defaults: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)