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ON Statement Defaults: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)

Default decollating and printing values for the ON block.

Figure 312 ON Statement Default Decollation and Printing Values Format

The ON Statement default subparameters can be optionally modified as follows:

Table 230 ON Statement Default Subparameters




Number of copies to print.

Valid values:

2-digit number from 00 through 97, or 98 or 99. A leading zero is required.


Level defined in the Recipient Tree.


User recipient name.


Print destination. Valid values are:

  • JES-printer–A valid JES printer destination of 1 through 8 characters.
  • *SPOOL–The original destination specified for the report (on spool) or in parameter CDAM DEST.
  • %%EWTR–External writer name is picked up from spool or from the PRINT/CDAM parameters, or both, and saved in the user report entry.
  • CTDPC–Unidentified pages are prepared for transmission to a PC.

    Note: Under Control-D/WebAccess Server print options, the PC user can specify printing requirements.

  • CTDPCPRT–Unidentified pages are prepared for transmission to a PC and are automatically printed at the local PC printer.


2-digit number from 00 through 99, but not less than the PRT COPIES number. A leading zero is required.

Parent Topic

Decollating Mission Parameters