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Making Changes to Report Attributes

Once a list of report names is built in the Permanent User Report List file, using the CTDCA2P utility, you can modify attribute information of the reports listed. The attributes that can be set are as follows:

There are two types of changes that can be made to the attributes of the reports, Permanent changes or Temporary changes.

Permanent Changes

You can use the Permanent User Report List file to make permanent changes to the attributes of specific reports.

Temporary Changes

You can copy the permanent entries on a daily basis to the Active User Report List file. To do this we use utility CTDCP2A (Copy Permanent To Active). The status of the copied entries in the Active User Report list will be Wait Decollation (that is, the physical reports have not been produced yet). You can access these Wait Decollation entries in the Active User Report List file and make a temporary change to the attributes of the report for the coming night's decollation. When the decollating mission runs, rather than creating a new entry in the Active User Report List file, it will use the Wait Decollation entry. Thus, the created report uses the attributes set in the Active User Report List file.

The CTDCP2A utility has selection criteria that can be used to avoid unnecessary overhead (for example, only copy specified entries from the Permanent User Report List file to the Active User Report List file, not all entries).

The modification of the entry in the Active User Report List file does not affect the entry in the Permanent User Report List file. We instruct Control-D where to look for its attribute information using parameter SEARCH of the report decollating mission.

This is potentially a very powerful end user facility for those end users who need to modify the attributes of their reports.

Parent Topic

Permanent User Report List File