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Permanent User Report List File

The Permanent User file contains a list of all reports that each user has received. The list includes details of report attributes, such as copy count, destination information, and so on. The list can be used by end users to make permanent modifications to the attributes of the reports they receive.

The file is built and updated by copying user entries from the Active file to the Permanent User Report List file using utility CTDCA2P (Copy Active To Permanent). One unique entry per user and/or report name and/or job name and/or category is stored in the Permanent User Report List file. For example, if the same report for the same user of the same job name and category is created on a daily basis, only one entry will exist for that user and/or report and/or jobname in the Permanent User Report List file.

The file contains a user entry for each unique report name a user receives.

Figure 31 The Permanent User Report List File

FIG5_14 new

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