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SEARCH Parameter

There is a parameter that we can use in the report decollating mission definition that instructs Control-D where to check for the attributes of a report for a specific user, that is, either in the Active User Report List file, the Permanent User Report List file, or not at all.

SEARCH Parameter

    ON CLASS      = T         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM           

   PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                      DEST          MAX COPIES     

       PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                      

   WHEN LINE   006 - 006   COL   016 - 019   PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR   

        STRING = 1001                                                         

     DO USER     = BR11                  LVL    LINE     COL     -     S A T   

     DO NAME     = INVENTORY-FOR-1001           LINE     COL                  


   WHEN LINE   006 - 006   COL   016 - 019   PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR   

        STRING = 1002                                                         

     DO USER     = BR12                  LVL    LINE     COL     -     S P T   

     DO NAME     = INVENTORY-FOR-1002           LINE     COL                  


   WHEN LINE   006 - 006   COL   016 - 019   PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR   

        STRING = 1003                                                         

     DO USER     = BR13                  LVL    LINE     COL     -     S N T   

     DO NAME     = INVENTORY-FOR-1003           LINE     COL                  


There are three values that can be set for this parameter in the report decollating mission definitions. The value you set will depend on the way you want the parameter to function. The values are assigned at the DO USER statement level. The permitted values for parameter SEARCH are:

Table 33 Valid SEARCH Parameter Values




The decollating mission will not search for any attribute information for this user's report (it will use the report decollating mission specifications). This option enhances the decollating speed of Control-D and should be used by sites that do not require users to set attribute information of reports.


The decollating mission will search the Permanent User Report List file for attribute information of the matching user and report name. It will use the attribute information defined in the Permanent User Report List file to create the entry in the Active User Report List file. We recommend that sites using this option run utility CTDCA2P once a day at the end of production processing.


The Decollating Mission will search the Active file for an entry matching this user and report name in Wait Decollation status. It will then take the attribute information of that entry. This option should be used by sites whose users need to be able to make temporary changes to entries copied to the Active User Report List file. We recommend that sites using this option run utility CTDCP2A once a day at the beginning of the production process.

Setting the Search Default

The default value to be used for parameter SEARCH can be set using optional Control-D Wish WD0933. This default value will then be assigned to all new Decollating Missions created, and to all existing decollating missions whose SEARCH parameter is currently blank.

Note: You should now decide what default option you will use for parameter SEARCH and set it using Wish WD0933.

Parent Topic

Permanent User Report List File