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Parameters of the SMART Table Entity Scheduling Definition Screen

The parameters of the SMART Table Entity scheduling definition are almost identical in appearance and usage as those in a regular job scheduling definition, which are described briefly in Parameters of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen.

Differences in the parameters of the SMART Table Entity scheduling definitions are described below.

Table 41 Parameters of the SMART Table Entity Scheduling Definition Screen




In a SMART Table Entity, this field does not indicate a member name. Instead, it is used to indicate an abbreviated table name. This abbreviated table name is then displayed, when appropriate, in other screens, such as the Active Environment screen.


Name of the group. This parameter also appears in regular job scheduling definitions. Jobs only inherit the value of the GROUP parameter from the SMART Table when the GROUP parameter of the job is left blank. When the GROUP parameter of the table is blank, the blank is inherited by the job.


Determines how to handle requirements for a prerequisite condition by successor jobs in a SMART Table. This parameter appears only in the SMART Table Entity, and applies to all jobs in the table awaiting prerequisite conditions from unscheduled jobs. Use of this parameter can simplify the handling of Maybe jobs. You have the following options:

  • Y (Yes) – remove prerequisite conditions if the relevant predecessor jobs are not scheduled.
  • N (No) – do not erase any IN prerequisite conditions.
  • D (Dummy) – order a DUMMY job for any job with scheduling criteria that are not satisfied.
  • B (Bridge) – bridge the scheduled jobs to keep the order and dependencies in the SMART table when jobs within a logical flow are not scheduled to run.


Number of extra days beyond the original scheduling date the SMART Table Entity can be maintained in the Active Jobs file if it does not have a status of ENDED OK.

However, if one of its jobs remains in the Active Jobs file beyond this number of days, the SMART Table Entity remains in the Active Jobs file as long as the job remains there.


Unique identifier to be applied to the accompanying set of scheduling criteria. Multiple sets of scheduling criteria can be defined, each with its own rule-based calendar.

A set of criteria defined in a SMART Table Entity can be applied to a job by specifying the identifying rule-based calendar in the job scheduling definition.

At least one set of basic scheduling criteria in the SMART Table Entity must be satisfied before the jobs in that SMART Table become eligible for scheduling on any day.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

The SMART Table Entity does not contain parameters D-CAT, PDS, and MINIMUM, which are found in job scheduling definitions.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

These parameters, IN, TIME FROM/UNTIL, PRIORITY, DUE OUT, and CONFIRM, apply to all scheduled jobs in the SMART Table.

All runtime scheduling criteria in the SMART Table Entity must be satisfied before any of the scheduled jobs are eligible for submission. Any runtime criteria defined for a particular job must also be satisfied before the job can be submitted.

Post-Processing Parameters

Details of actions performed after the SMART Table has finished processing.

The OUT parameter is non-conditional, and it is performed only if the SMART Table ended OK.

In addition, you can specify conditional ON statements for criteria that must be met:

    SMART Table Entity end status indicator. This parameter appears only in the SMART Table Entity. DO statements immediately following this parameter are performed only if the SMART Table Entity is assigned the indicated status (OK or NOTOK), or if the SMART Table's failure counter has reached a specific number (a value of FCnnn). For more information, see ON TABLE-END: Post–Processing Parameter.
  • ON VAR
    An AutoEdit variable that must match a specific value, for DO statements to be performed. For more information, see ON VAR: Post–Processing Parameter.

Parent Topic

Job Scheduling Definition Screen – Defining Schedules