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Options of the Job List Screen

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the job name and press Enter.

Note: Option O (Order) is not available if the Job List screen is displayed for a SMART Table. Options I (Insert) and J (JCL) are not available for SMART Table Entities. If the Job List screen is displayed in Browse mode, options D (Delete) and I (Insert) are not available.

Table 35 Options of the Job List Screen




Display the Job Scheduling Definition screen, with details of the selected job. Only one job can be selected at a time.

If the Job List screen is not displayed in Browse mode, the job scheduling definition can be edited and updated. If the Job List screen is displayed in Browse mode, the job scheduling definition can only be browsed; it cannot be modified.


Delete a job from the Job list (member). Multiple jobs can be selected.

See Condition Inheritance for a description of an optional feature in Control-M that automatically adjusts all the jobs in the table so that the jobs that are waiting for the deleted job's OUT conditions will inherit its IN conditions.


Insert a new job in the list (member). The Job Scheduling Definition screen appears, with the same details of the job marked "I", but the MEMNAME and DESCRIPTION parameters are empty for you to fill in. The new job is added after the job marked "I". Only one new job can be inserted at a time.


Order a job provided that its basic scheduling criteria, as described in Basic Scheduling Parameters, are satisfied. Multiple jobs can be selected.


Force a job order regardless of the basic scheduling criteria of the job, as described in Basic Scheduling Parameters. Multiple jobs can be selected.


Edit the member that contains the JCL of the job. Entering this option brings you directly into the JCL member in ISPF Edit mode. By default, if the JCL member exists in the OVERLIB library, that member is edited. If the JCL member does not exist in the OVERLIB library, the member is edited in the MEMLIB library. You can only edit the JCL of one job.

For more information on the OVERLIB and MEMLIB libraries, see OVERLIB: General Job Parameter and MEMLIB: General Job Parameter.

In ISPF Edit mode, if the name in the MEMNAME parameter contains a mask character (for example, if it is a generic name such as PRODJOB*), using the J option displays all PDS members in the library with names that match the mask.


Copy the job to another table. Multiple jobs can be selected. For more information, see Copying Jobs to Another Table.


Display a schedule plan for the job. You can only display the schedule plan of one job. For more information, see Displaying a Job Scheduling Plan.


Displays the statistics for the job in the Control-M Statistics screen, describe in Statistics Screen.


Simulates the action of the Control-M Submission mechanism for the member and JCL library specified in the MEMNAME and MEMLIB parameters of the job scheduling definition. This option operates in the same way as the % option in the Active Environment screen (see Table 58 in Active Environment Screen for full details).

Note: When requesting the '%' option, a prompt for the simulation ODATE is displayed.

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Job List Screen