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Basic Scheduling Parameters

Figure 19 Basic Scheduling Parameters - Job


SCHEDULE RBC                                                                 

RELATIONSHIP (AND/OR) O                                                      

DAYS                                                         DCAL            


WDAYS                                                        WCAL            

MONTHS 1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y        


CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO N MAXWAIT 04   D-CAT                      

MINIMUM          PDS                                                         

DEFINITION ACTIVE FROM          UNTIL                                        

Figure 20 Basic Scheduling Parameters - SMART Table Entity


SCHEDULE RBC                                                  LEVEL TBL               

DAYS                                                             DCAL        


WDAYS                                                            WCAL        

MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y       


CONFCAL WORKDAYS SHIFT        MAXWAIT 04                                     

SCHEDULE RBC ACTIVE FROM         UNTIL                                       

Table 38 Basic Scheduling Parameters




Rule-based calendars, which identify sets of scheduling criteria defined in the SMART Table Entity (Screen 2) or the IOA Calendar Facility (Screen 8), that can be used to schedule the job.

  • When the rule-based calendar is defined in the SMART Table Entity, the RBC level is set to TBL.
  • When the rule-based calendar is defined in the IOA Calendar Facility, the RBC level is set to CTM, and the RBC is only referred to by name in the SCHEDULE RBC field.

Note: If the RBC functions as an exclude RBC, it must start with the "!" character prefix. If the RBC is defined in a SMART Table Entity, its name must begin with the "!" character. If the RBC is defined in the IOA Calendar Facility, the "!" character must be added as a prefix to its RBC name when making reference to it in the SCHEDULE RBC field.


And/Or indicator that determines whether or not the criteria of the specified schedule RBC and the basic scheduling criteria of the individual job must both be satisfied.


Days of the month to schedule the job. A maximum of two lines can be entered. Subparameters are:

  • DCAL – identifies a DAYS calendar containing predefined scheduling dates
  • AND/OR – conjunctional subparameter used to link the DAYS and WDAYS parameters when both are scheduled


Days of the week to schedule the job. A maximum of two lines can be entered.

The WCAL subparameter identifies a calendar containing working days on which a job can be scheduled.


Months to run the job.


Specific dates in the year to run the job.


Name of a calendar used to confirm job scheduling dates.

The optional subparameter SHIFT indicates when and if a job must be scheduled.


Yes or No (Y/N) indicator specifying whether the job is to be scheduled (retroactively) after the original scheduling date has passed.


Number of extra days within which to try to execute a job in the Active Jobs file if the date of the job has passed.


Name of a Control-D report decollating mission category. If specified, the report decollating mission is scheduled whenever the job is scheduled under Control-M.


Minimum number of free tracks required by the library specified in the PDS parameter. The job is executed if the number of free tracks is less than the minimum.


Name of a partitioned data set to be checked for free space. If the PDS has less than the minimum number of required free tracks, as specified in the MINIMUM parameter, the job is executed. Not supported for PDSE-type libraries.

The following parameters apply only when defining individual jobs. For more information on these parameters, see Job Production Parameters.


When a date is entered in this field within a job scheduling definition, the job will only be ordered if the current date is later than that date. Valid values are:

  • Date in the format ddmmyy, or mmddyy, or yymmdd, depending on your site format, as set by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library.
  • ‘  ‘ (Blank)


When a date is entered in this field within a job scheduling definition, the job will only be ordered if the current date is earlier than that date. Valid values are:

  • Date in the format ddmmyy, or mmddyy, or yymmdd, depending on your site format, as set by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library.
  • ‘  ‘ (Blank)

The following parameters apply only when defining a SMART Table Entity. For more information on how these parameters are applied to jobs in SMART Tables, see Job Production Parameters.

RBC Definition Level

  • TBL - rule-based calendars that are managed using the SMART table definition and are defined on the table level.
  • CTM - rule-based calendars that are defined in the Calendar Manager in Control-M/Desktop or in the IOA Calendar Facility. In SMART Table entities these RBCs are only referred to by name without any actual scheduling criteria being specified. In non-SMART tables, these RBCs are simply referred to by name in the job definitions.


A job which refers to this Schedule RBC will only be ordered if the current date is later than the specified date. Valid values are:

  • Date in the format ddmmyy, or mmddyy, or yymmdd, depending on your site format, as set by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library.
  • ‘  ‘ (Blank)


A job which refers to this Schedule RBC is only ordered if the current date is earlier than the specified date. Valid values are:

  • Date in the format ddmmyy, or mmddyy, or yymmdd, depending on your site format, as set by the DATETYP parameter in the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library.
  • ‘  ‘ (Blank)

Parent Topic

Job Scheduling Definition Screen – Defining Schedules