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Rerun and Restart

Rerun and restart are two distinct, though related, concepts.

Rerun is the re-execution of a job from the beginning. Job rerun is a Control-M feature.

Restart is the re-execution of a job from a predefined step. Restart is usually performed from the step that failed, although it can be performed from an earlier step, if necessary. Restart utilizes the successful steps from the failed job execution, thereby limiting the amount of processing required to complete successful job execution. This results in lower CPU overhead, and can make a big difference in the timely completion of processing.

A basic MVS restart capability is available, and is described in OUT: Post–Processing Parameter. BMC does not recommend this method. This type of restart starts execution of the job from the failed step. However, no auxiliary restart functions are performed.

§Restart§ By contrast, at sites in which Control-M/Restart is installed, restart under Control-M/Restart is available. In addition to performing restart from the desired step, with the capability of automatic step rollback when necessary, Control-M/Restart automatically performs auxiliary restart functions. These include the cataloging and scratching of data sets, prevention of NOT CATLGD 2 errors, and so on.

§Restart§ Instructions for rerun and restart can be defined in the job scheduling definition. Rerun is defined with the DO RERUN statement. Restart is defined with the DO IFRERUN statement. They can be defined to be performed automatically or to be performed upon manual confirmation. For more information, see DO RERUN: Post–Processing Parameter, §Restart§DO IFRERUN: Post–Processing Parameter, and the Control-M/Restart User Guide. §Restart§

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