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§Restart§DO IFRERUN: Post–Processing Parameter

Job steps to be executed during restart of a job. Available only at sites utilizing Control-M/Restart.

Figure 193 §Restart§ DO IFRERUN Parameter Format

Optional. Type IFRERUN in the DO field and press Enter. The DO IFRERUN subparameters are described in Table 181.

Table 181 §Restart§ DO IFRERUN Subparameter Formats




Step at which the job must be restarted. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • pgmstep – program step within the job stream (see the following note)
  • pgmstep.procstep – program step within the called procedure (see the following note)
  • $FIRST – first step of the job
  • $ABEND – step of the job that ended NOTOK due to system abend, user abend, condition code C2000 (PL/1 abend) or JFAIL (job failed on JCL error)
    $ABEND is a subset of $EXERR (below)
  • $FIRST.$ABEND – first step of the abended procedure
  • $FIRST.$CLEANUP – this reserved keyword instructs Control-M to run a Control-M/Restart data set cleanup for the job
    Data set cleanup is performed from the first step of the job. The job itself is not restarted.
  • $EXERR – job step that ended with any error, including an abend, or that ended with a condition code that is redefined using the ON and DO statements as ENDED NOTOK

Note: If, during a restart of the job, the Control-M/Restart step itself ends NOTOK, you must manually correct the problem encountered by the Control-M/Restart step and then restart the job once again. In such a case, Control-M/Restart does both of the following:

  • It restores DO IF RERUN decisions to their state before the last execution of the job.
  • It deactivates the DO RERUN action.

This enables Control-M/Restart to ignore the occurrence where the error arose during the operation of Control-M/Restart itself. This prevents rerun processing from looping.


Step at which the restarted job must terminate. Optional. Valid values are:

  • pgmstep – Program step within the job stream (see the following note).
  • pgmstep.procstep – Program step within the called procedure (see the following note).

If not specified, the restarted job terminates at the last job step that would normally be executed.

Note: For both FROM and TO steps, pgmstep is the name of the step (EXEC statement) that executes the program from which to begin or end the restart:

//pgmstep EXEC PGM=program

procstep is the name of the step (EXEC statement) that invokes the procedure from which the above pgmstep program is executed:

//procstep EXEC procedure

pgmstep and procstep values can each be 1 through 8 characters.

When specifying a procstep when the procedures are nested, the innermost procstep in which the program is included must be specified.


Specifies whether a manual confirmation is required before the job is restarted. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Confirmation required. The job restart is not submitted unless a manual confirmation is entered in the Active Environment screen.
  • N (No) – No confirmation required. The job restart can be automatically submitted (by the DO RERUN statement) without a manual confirmation. Default.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters