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Step 7.5 – Printing considerations

Control‑D uses a printer workload balancing algorithm to direct specific bundles to specific printers. Printers are controlled by the DEST sysout output parameter.

Under JES3, there is no command that opens a printer to a specific destination. Therefore, the printer destination is defined in JES3 INISHDECK.

The following is an example of JES3 INISHDECK, using the JNAME parameter:

DEVICE,DTYPE=PRT3203,JNAME=U001,                                     x 

JUNIT=(04E,SYS01,UR,OFF,04E,SYS03,UR,OFF),                           x 

XTYPE=(PRT,UR),                                                      x 

XUNIT=(04E,SYS01,UR,OFF,04E,SYS03,UR,OFF),                           x 



DEVICE,DTYPE=PRT38003,JNAME=U002,                                    x 

JUNIT=(04C,SYS01,UR,OFF,04C,SYS03,UR,OFF),                           x 

This printer should be defined in the CTDPARM member as


DEFPRTS PRINTER=(04E,U001,1500,OPEN,10000,REG)

DEFPRTS PRINTER=(04C,U002,15000,OPEN,10000,APA)

When Control‑D prints to a specific printer, the printer definition under JES3 must be set by the operator in a manner that ensures that the Control‑D Printers Control monitor is the only source to print on this printer. This prevents non-Control‑D output from becoming mixed in a bundle.

Control‑D uses a special dedicated class on which all outputs are printed. This class is defined by the PRNTCLS Control‑D installation parameter. Assume that PRNTCLS is defined as class Q. When Control‑D should print on a printer, the operator should issue the following operator commands, which are similar to those used to set a printer for a different paper type. "*" is the JES3 command prefix:


*S 04E


For more details, see Step 2.2 – Printer definitions.

Parent Topic

Step 7 – JES3 considerations (optional)