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Step 2.2 – Printer definitions

In this step, you define the logical printers on which Control‑D can print using DEFPRTS statements. Normally, one printer is defined for each local printer (that is, a printer that is not connected by a remote destination printing product).

Note: You must specify at least one DEFPRTS statement.

Printer specifications are saved in the CTDPARM member.

Specify the following information for each logical printer:

Table 68 Printer definition parameters



Printer Name

Under JES2:

Printer name of 1 through 20 characters. BMC recommends that the name be identical to the JES2 logical printer name recognized by the operators (the name used in operator commands for that printer).

Under JES3:

Printer name of 1 through 20 characters. Use the printer name JUNIT, which is used by the operators in console commands. See Step 7 – JES3 considerations (optional).


Under JES2:

Valid JES2 destination code that is not assigned to any printer in JES2 definitions. Under JES2, for regular printing to spool, BMC recommends using destination U1 through U4096. Use a high order number, such as U1001, U1002, to prevent user errors. This destination code should not be defined to JES2 for the printer. The JES2 definitions remain unchanged. The destination is assigned to the printer when it is opened exclusively for Control‑D use by a specific operator command. For more information, see the Control‑D and Control‑V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. Assign a different destination code to every printer defined to Control‑D.

Under JES3:

Specify the name defined in the JNAME parameter of the printer (in JES3 INISHDECK). For more information about printing in a JES3 environment, see Step 7 – JES3 considerations (optional).


Approximate number of lines that the printer can print in one minute. This number is used by the Control‑D printers workload balancing algorithm to decide how to optimally balance the printing workload in a multiple printers environment.


Valid values are:

  • OPEN – When Control‑D is started, the printer is open, meaning, it is not necessary to issue an operator command to open this logical printer in Control‑D. This is the recommended option.
  • CLOSE – When Control‑D is started, the printer is closed. A manual operator command is required to start printing, that is, to assign and open a local printer.


Default chunk size in number of lines.

Control‑D supports two printing techniques:

  • One‑Chunk Method – The entire bundle is sent to the spool for printing at one time. This method is activated by setting CHUNKSIZE to 0 in the Printing Mission Definition. If not specified in the Printing Mission Definition, CHUNKSIZE defaults to the value specified during installation. This method can be used for printing reports that contain identical printing characteristics. If reports that contain different printing characteristics are processed by this method, the characteristics of the first report are used as a default for all reports in the bundle.
  • Multi‑Chunk Method – Control‑D creates a new chunk each time the number of lines specified in the CHUNKSIZE parameter is exceeded, or when printing characteristics of the reports change, whichever comes first, unless CHUNKSIZE is set to 0. Chunk size can be specified in the Printing Mission definition. If not specified in the Printing Mission definition, CHUNKSIZE defaults to the value defined during installation. For the Multi‑Chunk method, the value for the CHUNKSIZE parameter must be greater than 1; the recommended value is 10000.

Multi‑Chunk processing has two major advantages:

  • Reports with different printing characteristics can be printed in the same bundle.
  • Because the size of the chunk can be controlled, overloading the spool with a large amount of output can be prevented.

When installing Control‑D for the first time, set CHUNKSIZE to 0. This ensures that work flow for the DEMO procedures outlined in the Control‑D Getting Started Guide is uninterrupted. Later, choose the best value for each printer and modify it accordingly.


Defines the type of printer. Valid values are:

  • REG – Regular impact printer
  • LAS – Laser printer (excluding those working in APA mode)
  • APA – All Points Addressable printer or AFP – Advance Function Printing (such as 3800‑3, 3820, or 3835).
  • XER – XEROX 97xx laser printer (or any laser DJDE printer)
  • FOB – Siemens 2200 model 2 and 2300 model 2 laser printing subsystems, using SIEPRT control files
  • MAIL – MVS E-mail Gateway
  • NLP - Fujitsu NLP/CLP printer
  • TP1, TP2, TP3 - User-defined printer types

Note: Printer type is no longer defined in the CTDX003 member of the CTDPARM library

Note: Remote printers can also be defined to Control‑D by the DEFPRTS parameter. This is usually done when the remote printer is a fast printer capable of handling a large amount of printing data serving a specific user. If a remote printer is defined by the DEFPRTS parameter, Control‑D treats it as a local printer, that is, Control‑D uses Multi-Chunk printing and sends lines to the spool according to the progress of the printing.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Specify Control-D parameters