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Step 2.1 Control-D operational parameters

Table 67 Operational parameters




Name of the Control-D Compressed Dataset Access Method subsystem.

The name must be four characters in length. BMC recommends that you use the same name as that specified in the SSNAME IOA installation parameter so that the same subsystem can be used for the Control-M Event Manager (CMEM) subsystem, the Control-O subsystem, and the Control-D Compressed Dataset Access Method subsystem. If not specified, the name defaults to the SSNAME specified in the IOA installation parameters.

Whether the subsystem can be dynamically defined is controlled by the IOA Installation SSALLOC parameter.

Note: The value of AMNAME must be unique among all the existing IOA installations that may run on one system.


Start time of the Control‑D work day.

  • Mandatory

The format is:





  • + is after midnight
  • - is before midnight
  • hhmm is the time in hhmm format

The DAYTIMED parameter specifies to Control‑D when a new work day begins. For example, if DAYTIMED is set to +1000, the hours between midnight and 10:00 a.m. are considered as part of the work day of the previous date, that is, 6:00 A.M. on February 10th, is in the work day of February 9th.

Most sites set DAYTIMED between +0900 and +1400.

Every day at the specified time, the monitor performs a series of procedures that starts a new day under Control‑D. One of these important procedures cleans the Active Missions file of missions that finished executing OK, or with an execution date range that has expired. For more information, see the Control‑D and Control‑V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


The number of parallel Control‑D monitors, including generic monitors, that can work concurrently on the same Active Missions file. The reason for activating more than one monitor is speed of decollation. One Control‑D monitor can decollate one job at a time.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 15
  • Default: 1

If a large number of sysouts must be processed in a very short time, more than one Control‑D monitor can be opened. Each monitor decollates in parallel to the others.

Every additional Control‑D monitor is named by changing the last character of the Control‑D procedure. For example:

  • If CTDMON# is set to 3, the following monitors are activated: CONTROLD, CONTROL2, and CONTROL3.
  • If CTDMON# is set to 11, the following monitors are activated: CONTROLD, CONTROL2, CONTROL3, …, CONTROL9, CONTROLE, and CONTROLF.

The main Control‑D monitor activates and controls all the other monitors.


Escape class for printouts directed to Generic classes. It must be different than the Generic class. When the GENCLAS option is activated, Control‑D reads every output that appears on the spool in one of the Generic Decollation classes (the GENCLAS parameter), even if it is printed by the Control‑D monitor. Therefore, it is important to direct outputs printed by Control‑D away from Generic Decollation classes, even if the user requested it by mistake. In such cases, the output is routed to the ESCAPCL.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: A


Threshold of QUEUE size (number of jobs in the generic class in the JES spool) to stop a secondary Control-D monitor.

  • Optional
  • Maximum value: 99999999
  • Default value: none


Threshold of QUEUE size (number of jobs in the generic class in the JES spool) to start a secondary Control-D monitor.

  • Optional
  • Maximum value: 99999999
  • Default value: none


Sleeping interval of the Control‑D monitor. The monitor is dormant most of the time. It "wakes up" after each specified interval and determines which tasks it must carry out.

The format for INTERVLD is HHMMSSth, where:

  • HH is two digits representing hours. Valid values are: 00 through 24.
  • MM is two digits representing minutes. Valid values are: 00 through 59.
  • SS is two digits representing seconds. Valid values are: 00 through 59.
  • th is two digits representing hundredths of seconds. Valid values are: 00 through 99.

Leading zeros may be omitted. For example, three seconds, 00000300, may be specified as 300.

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum value: 300 (3 seconds)
  • Default value: 600 (6 seconds)

The value for INTERVLD should be specified according to the computer model. Its value can also be modified using an operator command. For information, see the Control‑D and Control‑V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Interval between GENERIC queue size tests.

Control-D can automatically change the number of active Control-D decollation monitors based on the number of JOBs in the JES spool that are waiting for decollation in the generic class.

You can define a threshold for the number of JOBs in the spool that will be checked by the main monitor.

If the number of JOBs in the spool is low (less than the GENJOBM parameter), the main monitor will stop one of the secondary monitors. If the number is too high (more than the GENJOBX parameter), the main monitor will activate a new decollation monitor. GENJOBX should be higher than GENJOBM.

For the feature to work properly, we recommend defining the same set of generic classes in the GENCLASS parameter for all Control-D monitors.

If the INTERVLG, GENJOBM, or GENJOBX parameter is not defined or is set to zero, or if the GENERIC process is not active, this feature is not activated.

The format for INTERVLG is HHMMSSth, where:

  • HH is two digits representing hours. Valid values are: 00 through 24.
  • MM is two digits representing minutes. Valid values are: 00 through 59.
  • SS is two digits representing seconds. Valid values are: 00 through 59.
  • th is two digits representing hundredths of seconds. Valid values are: 00 through 99.

Leading zeros may be omitted. For example, 5 minutes, 00050000, may be specified as 50000.

  • Optional
  • Minimum value: 10000 (1 minute)
  • Default value: 100000 (10 minutes)

The value for INTERVLG should be specified according to the computer model.


Control‑D should be non‑swappable for performance reasons. Otherwise, Control‑D may be swapped out on each interval, which can slow down the monitor.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – The Control‑D monitor becomes non‑swappable at initialization time. Default.
  • N (No) – The Control‑D monitor does not become non‑swappable at initialization time.

Note: Sites with logically partitioned 3090/ES9000 machines should implement non-swappability by using PPT entries and setting the NONSWAPM parameter to N in CTMPARM (if Control‑M is installed) and CTDPARM.


This parameter identifies each chunk that Control‑D sends to the spool in a unique way. For additional information about this parameter, see the Control‑D and Control‑V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Set the GROUPID according to the GROUP field of the Print Mission Definition.
  • N (No) – Do not set the GROUPID parameter. The GROUP field in the Print Mission Definition is ignored. Default.
  • J – Set GROUPID to the original job name.
  • U – Set the user name as the GROUPID of each chunk. This specification performs chunking at a user level.
  • P – Set the print mission name as the GROUPID of each chunk.


Number of Printers Control monitors that are activated under Control‑D. One Printers Control monitor is usually sufficient, since it can handle approximately 20 printing missions concurrently. The number of concurrent printing missions can be specified in Wish WD2618. If your data center is printing on several printers concurrently, an additional Printers Control monitor may be required. When counting printers, count only main computer printers that print large volumes of paper. Do not count remote printers.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 9
  • Default: 1

Every additional monitor is named by changing the last character of the Control‑D Print Monitor procedure. For example, if PRTMON# is set to 3, the following monitors are automatically activated: CTDPRINT, CTDPRIN2, and CTDPRIN3.


Global Printing Class override. When specified, Control‑D prints all printing mission reports output to the specified class. At JES2 sites, leave PRNTCLS blank (null) during installation.

At JES3 sites, this class is mandatory and must be reserved for Control‑D printing, meaning, no other source should print on this class. For more information, see Step 7 – JES3 considerations (optional).


SMF records to be generated for accounting purposes.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • NO – Do not generate SMF records. Default.
  • nnn – Generate SMF records, where nnn is the SMF record number. The valid range is 128 through 255.

Control‑D can generate SMF records containing the number of lines and pages printed for each user, report or job. This permits accounting based on usage by end users, as opposed to standard accounting by job name. SMF record data can be controlled by User Exit CTDX006.


Whether to generate statistical data about Control‑D usage. Some Control‑D reports depend on the availability of this statistical data.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Produce statistics and store them in the IOA Log file.
  • N (No) – Do not produce statistics. Default.


The type of backup and restore product that is in use at the data center: Valid values are:

  • DFDSSCAT– Designates DF/DSS as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D. Backed up tapes are cataloged. Default.
  • DFDSSNCT – Designates DF/DSS as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D. Backed up tapes are not cataloged.
  • FDRCAT – Designates FDR as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D. Backed up tapes are cataloged.
  • FDRNOCAT – Designates FDR as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D. Backed up tapes are not cataloged.
  • HSM – Designates HSM as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D.
  • DMSOS – Designates DMS/OS as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D.
  • ASM2 – Designates CA‑ASM2 as the backup utility to be used by Control‑D.


Default name of a restore mission to be used when the user does not designate a specific restore mission name on a report restore request. If optional Wish WD0499 is applied, the Restore window is not displayed and the name of the restore mission is obtained from this installation parameter.

  • Mandatory


When the BACKUP or migration job is ready for submission, Control-D can submit the job. The BKPJOBST parameter controls whether the job is submitted or not submitted.

  • Optional

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Submit the job. This is the default value.
  • N (No) - Do not submit the job. This value is normally used when the job must be submitted by Control-M or another production control system.

    If %COND% is specified in the BACKUP or migration skeleton and BKPJOBST=N, the resolved condition is added to the IOA Conditions file. If Control-M is installed, submission of the job can be triggered by the condition added by a %COND% statement.


When the RESTORE job is ready for submission, Control-D can submit the job. The RSTJOBST parameter controls whether the job is submitted or not submitted.

  • Optional

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Submit the job. This is the default value.
  • N (No) - Do not submit the job. This value is normally used when the job must be submitted by Control-M or another production control system.

    If %COND% is specified in the RESTORE skeleton and RSTJOBST=N, the resolved condition is added to the IOA Conditions file. If Control-M is installed, submission of the job can be triggered by the condition added by a %COND% statement.


If the GENCLAS parameter was not specified, ignore this parameter.

If output classes are specified in the GENCLAS parameter, they are constantly monitored by Control‑D. When non‑held output appears on one of the specified classes, Control‑D attempts to match the job name of the output with the job names specified in all scheduled Generic decollation missions.

If no mission is found with a job name that matches the job name of the spool output, the GENOTFND installation parameter determines how Control‑D handles the output file.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • PRIORITY – The spool priority of the output is set to 1. This allows other output with higher priority to be processed. Default. This value is not valid for JES3 environments.
  • DELETE – The output is deleted from spool.
  • HOLD – The spool status of the output is altered to hold, preventing it from being processed again by Control‑D Generic decollation class monitoring. This value is not valid for JES3 environments.
  • CLASS=? – The class of the output is changed to the class specified by ?. This class should not be one of the classes specified in the GENCLAS parameter. For JES3 environments, class alteration is only possible for output found by Control‑D in classes defined to JES3 by the expression HOLD=EXTWTR.

Note: This parameter replaces the JES3ESC and GENDEL parameters from previous versions, which are no longer in use. Check your previous specification for this parameter to determine the required value for GENOTFND.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Specify Control-D parameters