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Global parameters section

The following parameters relate globally to all online monitors you are defining.

Table 31 Global parameters



Subsystem name (SSNAMEX)

Name of the subsystem to be used by the Online monitor.

If the parameter is not specified or is null, the value specified in the SSNAME IOA installation parameter is used.

  • Default: '  ' (Blank).

Dynamic definition (SSALCX)

Allows or prevents dynamic definition of subsystems used by the Online Monitor. For more details about subsystem definition see Defining subsystems.

Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – The value is taken from the SSALLOC IOA installation parameter.
  • Y – If the subsystem name does not exist, the IOA Online monitor dynamically defines one.
  • N – If the subsystem name does not exist, the IOA Online monitor fails on initialization.

VTAM Application (ACBNAME)

VTAM application name of 1 through 8 characters.

This parameter is used by the IOA VTAM interface. You should specify this value in the VTAM logon command LOGON APPLID(CTMS).

  • Default: CTMS.

VTAM generic resource (GNAME)

VTAM generic resource name of 1 through 8 characters.

This parameter is used by the IOA VTAM interface.

Default transaction (DEFTRAN)

User‑defined or IOA predefined default transaction name.

  • Maximum: 4 characters.
  • Default: '  ' (Blank). When left blank, this parameter automatically defaults to IALL, meaning that all products are installed.

Balance (BALANCE)

Determines how to balance the workload of two or more IOA Online monitors of the same group that match the mask specified in a single MONITOR definition.

When a user specifies the IOA transaction code, the IOA CICS (or IMS/DC, VTAM, and so on) application must select the monitor under which the user will work from that group of monitors, which contain the transaction code. The process of choosing the monitor depends on the value of this parameter.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Users are uniformly distributed among all active IOA Online monitors with a matching name or mask. Default.
  • N – Users are allocated to the primary IOA Online monitor until that monitor has the maximum number of users, as defined in the Max.Ses parameter, which is described in Monitor parameters section. Users are then allocated to IOA Online monitor #2, and so on.

    Assume that a site has two IOA Online monitors from the same group, and the first users are logging on.

    If BALANCE is set to Y, the first user is logged on to Server 1, the second user is logged on to Server 2, and so on.

    If BALANCE is set to N, users are logged on to Server 1 until the maximum number of users is reached, at which point additional users are logged on to Server 2.

Session timeout (TIMEOUT)

Time in minutes before an inactive IOA Online monitor user is terminated. If TIMEOUT is set to 100, timeout checking is not performed.

  • Maximum: 1440 (minutes).
  • Default: 10 (minutes).

Parent Topic

Step 10.1 – Set IOA online monitor parameters