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Step 10.1 – Set IOA online monitor parameters

This step specifies parameters for IOA Online monitors and for routing user transactions to monitors. The parameters are saved in the IOAXPRM member in the IOA.PARM library.

Parameters are displayed on the screen and described below according to category:

Figure 21 The Update IOA Online Monitor Parameters screen

 ------------------- Update IOA Online Monitor Parameters --------- Row 1 of 2

 COMMAND ===>                                             SCROLL ==> CSR      


  Codes in the Sel field:           Command and Keys:                         

     D Delete Monitor                  ADD     Add Monitor                    

     A Add Monitor                     CANCEL  Exit without Save              

                                       PF3/End Exit and Save                  


 Subsystem name      ==>             Dynamic definition    ==>      (Y/N)     

 VTAM Application    ==>             VTAM generic resource ==>                

 Default transaction ==>                                                      

 Balance             ==> Y    (Y/N)  Session timeout     ==>                  


 Sel  MONITOR    Max.Ses  Transactions  Timeout                               

 ===  =======    =======  ===========   =======                               

      D902MON*   50       DOLV                                                


      A902MON*   10       *             1                                     


 ******************************* Bottom of data ******************************

Parent Topic

Step 10 – Install IOA online monitor (optional)