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Step 5.3 – MVS procedures

Insert values for the following MVS procedure library configuration parameters.

Table 21 MVS procedure parameters




Name of the MVS library to which IOA started tasks (from the PROCJCL library) are to be copied.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • data_set_name – Name of the library to which IOA started tasks are to be copied. This library should be in the concatenation of DDNAME IEFJOBS that is specified in the MSTJCLxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB. Verify the suffix in the MSTRJCL parameter is xx in the IEASYS00 member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library.
  • DONTCOPY – Do not copy the IOA started tasks to a site library. Default.

Note: If the PROCLIB parameter is set to DONTCOPY, you must copy the modified procedures to the site procedure library.


Site procedure library to which several IOA procedures (from the IOA PROCLIB library) will be copied.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • data_set_name – Name of the procedure library to which IOA procedures are to be copied.
  • DONTCOPY – Do not copy the IOA procedures to a site library.

Note: If the SITEPROC parameter is set to DONTCOPY, you must copy the modified procedures to the site procedure library.

Warning! If the SITEPROC parameter is set to DONTCOPY, you must copy a modified version of the CTRTROLR procedure to a site procedure library. For more information, see Step 2.1 – Control-M/Restart operational parameters.


First three characters of the IOA JCL started tasks and procedures, after they are copied to the MVS procedure library.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: IOA

    If both the PROCLIB and SITEPROC parameters are set to DONTCOPY, this parameter must be set to the default value.

    The value specified for this parameter must be different than the PROCPRFx parameter (PROCPRFM in Control‑M, and so on) of all INCONTROL products.

Parent Topic

Step 5 – Specify target configuration parameters