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Step 2.1 – Control-M/Restart operational parameters

Table 64 Operational parameters





The first three characters of the Control‑M/Restart JCL procedures after it is copied to the local MVS procedure library.

The value specified for this parameter should not be the same as the value specified for the PROCPRFx parameter in IOA and other INCONTROL products (where x is a 1-character abbreviation for the product name).

  • Mandatory
  • Default: CTR


Note: If the SITEPROC IOA installation parameter is set to DONTCOPY, you must copy a modified version of the CTRTROLR procedure to a site procedure library. To do this, use the COPY PROCEDURE option in the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE), available by selecting Maintain your Environment => ICE refresh and insert the following values for the parameters:

  • input procedure name ==> CTRTROLR
  • output procedure name ==> leave blank
  • site library ==> your site procedure library
  • copy IOASET and IOAENV ==> Y



A special restart step is inserted into the JCL of the job to be restarted as part of the restart processing of Control‑M/Restart within the Control‑M monitor. If this restart step encounters an unrecoverable error (for example, an OPEN error) the ABNDTYP parameter is used to determine how the restart step terminates.

Valid values are:

  • CC – Terminate the restart step with an appropriate non‑zero condition code. Default.
  • UABEND – Abend the restart step with a user abend code.

If an error occurs, the CONTROLR step terminates the execution of the whole job immediately. Therefore, it is not always necessary to abend the step.



The default number of days the archived sysout data sets must be kept.

The archived sysouts are deleted after the number of days specified by this parameter, or after the number of runs specified in the MAXRUNS parameter, whichever occurs first.

  • Maximum: 99
  • Default: 10 (days)



Default number of runs the archived sysout data sets are to be kept.

The archived sysouts are deleted after the number of runs specified by this parameter, or after the number of days specified in the MAXDAYS parameter, whichever occurs first.

  • Maximum: 999
  • Default: 20 (runs)



Whether to prevent NOT CATLGD 2 events in advance as a default.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • YES – Prevent NOT CATLGD 2 events in advance during job execution by deleting the old data set and creating the required one in its place.
  • NO – Do not prevent NOT CATLGD 2 events from being generated. Default.
  • FLUSH – Detect NOT CATLGD 2 errors and halt job processing.
  • LIST – Simulate prevention of NOT CATLGD 2 errors but take no action.
  • Default: NO



Whether a Tape Management system is installed at the site.

Valid values are:

  • YES – Tape Management System is installed.
  • NO – Tape Management System is not installed. Default.



Message level of the Control‑M/Restart step.

Valid values are:

  • S – Basic messages only. Default.
  • F – All messages. This value should not be used unless requested by BMC Customer Support.



The CTR066I message can be displayed when Control‑M/Restart performs restart operations. It indicates how many steps will be skipped and how much CPU time will be saved.

Valid values are:

  • YES – Display skipped steps statistics. Default.
  • NO – Do not display skipped steps statistics.
  • ONLY – Display skipped steps statistics only during restart simulation.



Whether to simulate the IF condition in IF, THEN and ELSE DD statements so that a job can be restarted within an IF, THEN or ELSE DD statement.

For a description of how the simulation affects the placement of the CONTROLR step, see the introduction chapter in the Control‑M/Restart User Guide.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • YES – Simulate IF, THEN and ELSE DD statements.
  • NO – Do not simulate IF, THEN and ELSE DD statements. Default.



Specifies whether during post processing Control‑M considers all previous runs of a job, both original runs and restarts, or only the last run or restart.

For more information, see the introduction chapter in the Control‑M/Restart User Guide.

Valid values are:

  • YES – Use all previous runs of a job during Control‑M post processing. Default.
  • NO – Use only the last run of the job during Control‑M post processing.




Security checks for data sets used by a job.

Valid values are:

  • Y – In addition to all other Control‑M/Restart functionality, the product checks if a Security Violation failure may occur for the job while it accesses its data sets (specified by DD statements). Control‑M/Restart uses the IOASE32 security exit for this checking.
  • N – This feature is not activated. Default.




Whether Control‑M/Restart can ignore a missing input data set during Control‑M/Restart List mode processing.

The IGNLIST parameter checks for and records missing input data set files during Control‑M/Restart List mode processing, that is, when the NCT2 parameter is set to L in the job scheduling definition. If this parameter is not activated and a missing input data set is discovered, an error message is displayed and Control‑M/Restart fails.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M/Restart ignores missing input data sets during List mode processing. In case of missing data sets, List mode processing may nevertheless finish OK, and no error message is issued.
  • N – During List mode processing, Control‑M/Restart checks for the existence of input data sets in the same way as does all other kinds of processing. If List mode processing recognizes that an input data sets is missing, it finishes NOTOK, and corresponding error messages are issued. Default.



Control‑M/Restart can detect a missing base generation data set (base GDG) when processing a Control‑M/Restart facility such as NCT2 RESTART. Control‑M/Restart can either stop or allow processing of the job, depending on the value of this parameter.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M/Restart issues the CTR099S and CTR073I messages concerning the missing GDG base, excludes the DSNAME from the Control‑M/Restart decision, and allows the processing of the job.
  • N – Control‑M/Restart issues message CTR099S concerning the missing GDG base, and stops the processing of the job. Default.



If a JCL step allocates a new GDG base data set and the IGNGDGMB parameter is set to N (No), Control‑M/Restart stops processing the job, displaying message CTR099S.

If the IGNGDGMB parameter is set to Y, Control‑M/Restart allows job processing, displaying the CTR099I and CTR073S messages.



Specifies whether Control-M/Restart should produce a Non-restartable Steps report.

Valid values are:

  • NO – Do not produce a Non-restartable Steps report (default)
  • ALL – Produce a report that includes all job steps. Non-restartable steps are indicated by a message ID that differs from other steps.
  • NORST – Produce a report that includes only non-restartable steps.



Specifies where to produce the Non-restartable Steps report (controlled by parameter STEPLIST, described above).

Valid values are:

  • S – Non-restartable Steps report is produced in a separate Sysout Data Set (with DDNAME CTRSTPLS) of the Control-M/Restart step (Default).
  • J – Non-restartable Steps report is produced in JESYSMSG (3rd JES MSGCLASS Data Set) of the job.
  • B – Non-restartable Steps report is produced in both destinations (S and J).


Parent Topic

Step 2 – Specify Control-M/Restart parameters