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Step 5.4 – MVS classes

Specify the following parameters for MVS class configuration.

Table 22 MVS Class Configuration Parameters




Specifies whether ISPF statistics (last change date, and so on) are to be generated when a member (for example, a Control‑M scheduling table; Control‑D mission; or Control‑O, Control‑M/Analyzer, or Control‑M/Tape rule) is modified and saved. SPFSTAT also specifies whether ISPF statistics are displayed when a list of members displays.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are :

  • Y – Display and maintain ISPF statistics. Default.
  • N – Do not display and maintain ISPF statistics.


Held output class, for Control‑M/Analyzer.

This is used when a TSO user on a system running under JES3 wants to view output by means of ISPF Option 3.8.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are: 1 character
  • Default: X


Output class, for dumps, debug snaps, and printouts.

Should usually go to a dummy sysout class, or to a hold‑class that is cleaned automatically each day (if not printed).

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are: 1 character
  • Default: X

Parent Topic

Step 5 – Specify target configuration parameters