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Submitter subtask section

This section contains parameters that affect Control‑M Monitor during the Submit phase.

Table 9 Submitter subtask parameters






Number of attempts to locate an on-spool job before passing the job from the Submit subtask to the Status subtask.

When an on-spool job is handled by the Submit subtask of Control‑M, an attempt is made to locate it on spool in Hold status. If it is found in Hold status, Control‑M first releases it, then passes it to the Status subtask. If it is not found in Hold status, the job is passed immediately to the Status subtask without releasing it.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 9999
  • Default: 5

Note: Increasing this number may unnecessarily increase the time it takes for Control-M to determine the final status of the job that has disappeared. However, for NJE jobs or when products such as THRUPUT/MANAGER and WLM, that intervene in the submit process, are active, sometimes the job is under control of that product when Control-M tries and fails to locate the job (In held status). In such cases, Control-M may prematurely stop attempting to locate the job. If this occurs, BMC recommends that you increase the value for this parameter above the default value.



Name of a partitioned data set member (PDS), pointed to by the DAGLOBAL DD statement in the Control‑M monitor, which includes a list of AutoEdit Global members that are to be loaded into the AutoEdit Cache of the Control‑M monitor.

Using the AutoEdit cache dramatically improves Control‑M monitor performance, by eliminating the need to read AutoEdit members for each and every job.

By default, this parameter has no value, which means no AutoEdit caching is performed.

A sample member can be found in the CACHLST member in the Control‑M PARM member, which also contains instructions how to specify a list of the AutoEdit members that are to be loaded into the cache.

As an alternative, you can name the PDS using the following modify command:


For more information about the Control‑M AutoEdit Cache and about this modify command, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.




By default, Control‑M inserts the Control‑M/Restart (or Control‑M/Analyzer) step immediately before the first EXEC or INCLUDE JCL statement.

This parameter governs where Control‑M inserts the Control‑M/Restart (or Control‑M/Analyzer) step when an INCLUDE JCL statement is found before the first EXEC JCL statement.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M inserts the Control‑M/Restart (or Control‑M/Analyzer) step before the first EXEC statement or before the INCLUDE statement if the INCLUDE statement precedes the first EXEC statement. Default.
  • N – Control‑M always inserts the Control‑M/Restart (or Control‑M/Analyzer) step before the first EXEC statement.




The number of job submission retries that should be attempted when the JCL member is in use.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: 00 through 99
  • Default: 5

INUSE#RT, in conjunction with the following parameter, INUSE#WI, takes effect in Control‑M when the submission of a job fails because the JCL member is in use, either because the member is being edited, or because the partition data set is compressed. Control‑M issues a message to the IOA Log that the job was not submitted, and assigns the job a status of NOTOK.



Specifies whether Control-M automatically adds the 32-character user portion to the Job Correlator in the jobs that it submits.

The Job Correlator field in JES2 jobs has 64 characters, of which the first 32 are assigned by JES2 itself. The last 32 characters is user data that can be set by the user or the application submitting the job (with the UJOBCORR keyword in the JOB JCL statement).

The data can then be used by JES2 interfaces, such as SDSF and JES2 operator commands, to access all jobs with matching correlator values (for example, in SDSF all jobs with matching correlator values can be displayed together).

For started tasks, Control-M adds the Job Correlator value to the UJOBCORR parameter in the start command.

The Job Correlator values added by Control-M can be overridden by JES2 exits that are invoked at later stages in the job submission process. It is up to the customer to ensure that the values added by Control-M are not overridden.

Valid values are:

  • NONE – do not add a Job Correlator value
  • ADD – add a Job Correlator value only if the job does not already have a UJOBCORR value in its JOB JCL card. The value will only be added to jobs submitted to the local MAS (Multi-Access Spool) (but not NJE jobs), and only if all the members of the local MAS are at the correct JES2 level (2.1 and above). Default.
  • REPL – add a Job Correlator for all jobs, replacing the UJOBCORR value in the job’s JOB JCL card, if it already exists. The value will only be added to jobs submitted to the local MAS (but not NJE jobs), and only if all the members of the local MAS are at the correct JES2 level (2.1 and above).
  • ADDF (“force add”) – add a Job Correlator value only if the job does not already have a UJOBCORR value in its JOB JCL card. The value will be added to all jobs submitted by Control-M, including NJE jobs, and even if not all MAS members are at the correct JES2 level.
  • REPLF (“force replace”) – add a Job Correlator for all jobs, replacing the UJOBCORR value in the job’s JOB JCL card if it already exists. The value will be added to all jobs submitted by Control-M, including NJE jobs, and even if not all MAS members are at the correct JES2 level.

    Note: When the ADDF or REPLF options are specified, it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that all the systems on which Control-M can submit jobs, must support the UJOBCORR keyword.

After changing the value of this parameter, the Control-M/JCL Verify and IOA Online monitors must be recycled for the change to take effect. The Control-M monitor must either be recycled or the Control-M NEWPARM monitor command must be issued.



Controls the contents of the Job Correlator field that the Control-M adds to jobs. Format: 1-32 character string.

The value can contain AutoEdit variables, which are resolved at job submission time. After variable resolution, all ‘-' characters are replaced by underscores (‘_’). All other characters that are not alphanumeric or @,#,$,_ are replaced by $. If the first character is numeric, it is replaced by $. Truncation from the end will occur if the total length after resolution exceeds 32 characters. If the final result string is null, it will be replaced by the default value: CTM_%%$SCHDTAB%%._%%ORDERID

AutoEdit variables in the JCORVAL value are only resolved, for each job, during job submission time. Any changes in the variable values that might occur after the job is submitted will not be reflected in the job’s Job Correlator value.

After changing the value of this parameter, the Control-M/JCL Verify and IOA Online monitors must be recycled for the change to take effect. The Control-M monitor must either be recycled or the Control-M NEWPARM monitor command must be issued.



Specifies whether Control-M predicts the JOBNAME during order time. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y - Control-M predicts the JOBNAME when the job is ordered.

    Note that when the job is submitted, the JOBNAME might be updated to the actual job name assigned by JES.

  • N - Control-M determines the JOBNAME when the job is submitted. Default.

    Selecting Y for the JNMATORD parameter, enables a Control-M/EM user to select the Job Name option for the EM Statistics field in the Control-M/Server configuration dialog box. Selecting the Job Name option for EM Statistics provides access for the ordered job to Control-M/EM job statistics based on the JOBNAME.



Specifies the maximum size (in lines) of jobs that can be submitted by Control-M.

Valid values (lines): 0-9999999

Default: 0 (no limit)



Whether Control‑M creates an additional copy of the JES SYSDATA file (JESDS) by adding appropriate OUTPUT statements to a job, or by changing its MSGCLASS to HLDCLAS.

The option implemented by this parameter used to be implemented through the CTMX002O sample Submit Exit.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M adds the following two additional OUTPUT statements to the job:


If the first INCLUDE JCL statement precedes the first EXEC statement in the job and the CTRB4INC parameter is set to Y (see CTRB4INC section), the statements are added before the first INCLUDE JCL statement. Otherwise, the statements are added before the first EXEC statement.

Extra SYSDATA files for an additional job are created in the Control‑M reserved held sysout class HLDCLAS, and the MSGCLASS of the original job remains unchanged.

  • N – Control‑M changes the MSGCLASS of the job without adding any OUTPUT statements. Default.

Setting this parameter to Y has the following advantages:

  • Performance under Control‑M is better.
  • All sysout of the job pointed to by the expression SYSOUT=* remains under the original MSGCLASS; this eliminates the need to use sysout or DO SYSOUT functions to return it to the original MSGCLASS.
  • The additional SYSDATA files can be automatically deleted using any automation product, such as Control‑O, or any equivalent product, asynchronous to Control‑M.
  • The CTMX002O Submit Exit is unnecessary.

However, if you use JES3 //*ROUTE XEQ statements to route NJE jobs, you must set this parameter to N, and use the CTMX002O sample Submit Exit if necessary.




Jobs submission buffering factor.

  • Valid values are: 0 through 128
  • Default: 0 (no buffering)

Setting this parameter enhances the Control-M submission process by using the JES spool slice window more effectively. Jobs that have been prepared for submission are accumulated before writing them into the JES internal reader. The MULTISUB parameter specifies the number of jobs that are accumulated.

For more information, see the JES2PARM Tuning Considerations section in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide, Chapter 3 Control-M, Control-M Monitor and JES Considerations.




Whether Control‑M submits to JES multiple jobs that exist in one JCL member.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Submit each job present in a JCL member.
  • N – Submit only the first job in a JCL member. Default.

In both cases, Control‑M handles only the first job. Even if it submits the subsequent jobs, it does not perform any follow-up nor post-processing on the second and subsequent jobs.



Whether values already set in the JCL of a job can be overwritten by values inserted in the following fields of the Control‑M Job Scheduling Definition screen (Screen 2):


Valid values are:

  • Y – Values already set in JCL are overwritten.
  • N – Values already set in JCL are not overwritten. Default.
  • Mandatory



Whether the Control-M monitor issues a DFSMSHSM RECALL request when accessing a migrated data set.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y - DFSMSHSM RECALL request issued. Default.

    The RECALL process runs asynchronously, allowing the Control-M monitor to continue submitting jobs simultaneously.

  • N - DFSMSHSM RECALL request not issued. The data set is automatically restored.

    The RECALL process takes place during the OPEN process of the data set. This causes the Control-M monitor to wait for RECALL processing to finish before continuing with any further work, which may adversely affect performance. Hence, N should be specified only if DFSMSHSM RECALL requests are not supported at the site.




Whether Control‑M should automatically release an on-spool job when it detects that the on-spool job is in Held status.

As explained in the preceding parameter, #ONSPLOC, when an on-spool job is found in Held status, Control‑M generally releases it before passing it to the Status subtask. However, some sites may choose to release the on-spool job manually.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M should release an on-spool job. Default.
  • N – Control‑M should not release an on-spool job.



Whether to enable the Control-M Submission Substitution facility, which replaces jobs with dummy jobs or alternate jobs for testing purposes. When jobs are replaced, the post-processing statements DO SHOUT, DO MAIL, DO REMEDY, and DO REMFORCE are skipped. For more information about this facility, see Job Submission Substitution Facility.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Yes, Enable Submission Substitution.
  • N – No, Disable Submission Substitution facility. Default.
  • S – Enable Submission Substitution facility but do not skip the DO SHOUT post-processing statement.



Number of parallel JCL reader processes used by the Control-M monitor for reading the JCLs from the libraries and preparing them for submission.

The JCLs are then submitted by the processes defined by the SUBWRTP# parameter.

When set to 0, job submissions are serviced by the Control-M monitor using a single process that reads the JCLs, prepares them for submission, and performs the actual submission.

Valid values: 0-10
Default: 0

Note: SUBRDRP#=0 enforces SUBWRTP#=0, as (by default) both the read processes and the write processes are performed using a single common process.



Number of parallel JCL writer processes used by the Control-M monitor for writing the JCLs to JES (that is, for submitting the JCLs).

These JCLs were earlier prepared for submission by the processes defined by the SUBRDRP# parameter.

When set to 0, job submissions are serviced by the Control-M monitor using a single process that reads the JCLs, prepares them for submission, and performs the actual submission.

Valid values: 0-100
Default: 0

Note: SUBWRTP#=0 enforces SUBRDRP#=0, as (by default) both the read processes and the write processes are performed using a single common process.



Whether to enable an integration between Control-M and Compuware ThruPut Manager. This integration enhances Control-M job submission comments and adds information to be used by ThruPut Manager.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Integration enabled.
  • N – Integration not enabled. Default.


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Control-M parameter customization