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Spyer (status) subtask section

This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M Monitor during the Status phase.

Table 10 Spyer (status) subtask parameters






Frequency of issuing $G D commands to a remote NJE node when the enhanced NJE support in JES2 environment is active (the ENHNJE parameter is set to Y).

The frequency is expressed in terms of Control‑M intervals.

Increasing the value of this parameter reduces the number of $G D commands. However, this may result in the information available to Control‑M as to the status of the job in a remote NJE node being less up-to-date. On the other hand, decreasing the value of the parameter may cause redundant overhead on Control‑M and the NJE lines, so BMC recommends that you do not set the value too low.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 99, recommended only if all NJE jobs are long running jobs.
  • Default: 3, meaning that Control‑M issues a $G D command for an NJE job every three intervals.




Frequency of issuing message SPY253E (JOB NOT FOUND IN QUEUE n TIMES) when an attempt to check the status of the job failed with an indication that the job was not found.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 999
  • Default: 5

Increasing this number reduces the number of times SPY253E messages are issued. BMC recommends that you do this in cases where the setting of the #JNFRT parameter is high.




Number of attempts to locate a job on spool and check its status when the job is not found.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 999
  • Default: 10

Increasing this number is recommended for cases where for some reason the job cannot be found on spool for long period of time, for example, an NJE job. On the other hand, increasing this number also delays the time until Control‑M marks the job as Disappeared.




Frequency of issuing message JES262W.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 999
  • Default: 5, meaning that the message is issued after every five failed attempts.

Increasing this number causes fewer such messages to be issued, which is recommended if the number of retries, set by the preceding parameter, #SYSRT, is high.




Number of attempts to read the sysout of a job when the sysout cannot be initially read by Control‑M.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 999
  • Default: 20

Increasing this number is recommended in cases where for some reason the sysout of a job cannot be read for a long period, for example when a big sysout of a job comes back from an NJE node.




Whether the NJE support for JES2 is to be activated.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M in a JES2 environment opens an MCS Console, and during execution of NJE jobs sends Status requests ($G D Command) to the remote node to check the status of the job. Default.
  • N – Control‑M does not activate the NJE support.

    Note: For a value of Y, the $G D JES2 command requires read security access authority. For a description of assigning command input authority, see the IBM manual "z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide" (specifically, Chapter 7, "Authorizing the Use of Operator Command").




Whether to exclude a range of steps, called the EXCLUDED STEP RANGE, in job scheduling definition statements. The EXCLUDED STEP RANGE includes all steps of a job, excluding the steps from one step to another.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The EXCLUDED STEP RANGE facility is activated. When EXSTPRNG=Y, a minus sign appears as the first character of the step, indicating that this is an excluded step range.
  • N – The EXCLUDED STEP RANGE facility is not activated. Default.
    When EXSTPRNG=N, any STEP RANGE, regardless of its name, is processed as a regular STEP RANGE (that is, the range of steps from one step to another).



Whether deletion of a job inside a SMART Table Entity before it ran (that is, in Wait Schedule status) causes the SMART Table Entity itself to end NOTOK.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • N – Control‑M marks the SMART Table Entity as Ended NOTOK if a job in this SMART Table Entity has been deleted before execution. Default.
  • O – Control‑M does not take into consideration the job that was deleted before execution when it marks how the SMART Table Entity has ended.
  • C – The deletion of a Cyclic Job belonging to SMART Table, which already ran at least once, does not set the status of the corresponding table to NOTOK.




Whether to assign a special meaning to the $LAST and $FIRST job step names when they are specified in ON PGMST or STEP RANGE statements.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Treat $LAST as the last executed job step, and treat $FIRST as the first executed job step.
  • N – Assign no special meaning to $LAST and $FIRST. Default.




Maximum condition code for Control‑M to mark a job as ended OK.

Every job that finishes with a condition code above the value specified in the MAXCCOK parameter is considered as ended NOTOK. BMC recommends that this value be set to either 0 or 4. Setting MAXCCOK to 4 indicates that jobs ending with warning conditions (a maximum RC of 4) are considered OK.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: Up to 4 digits
  • Default: 0004




Whether Control‑M writes the warning message JES262W ("UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS TO READ JOB DATA BY SUBSYSTEM REQUEST") to the IOA Log, in addition to issuing it to the operator.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M should write JES262W messages to the IOA Log.
  • N – Control‑M should not write JES262W warning messages in the IOA Log. Default.

BMC recommends that you set this parameter to the default N, since when JES is busy, the above message may be issued several times for many jobs, which in turn may fill the IOA Log with many such messages.



Reserved parameter.

Do not alter the default value (Y) set for this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support.



Whether the IBM Spool Dataset Browse interface is used to read sysout data sets.

This interface provides significant improvements in performance in a JES2 Sysplex environment with multiple systems sharing the same spool.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The IBM Spool Dataset Browse interface is used. Default.

    A value of N has the same effect as a value of Y.

  • F – The IBM Spool Dataset Browse interface is not used.




Number of 1/100 seconds to wait in the SPY subtask when an attempt to locate a job on spool failed, and a retry is required.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 999 (almost 10 seconds)
  • Default: 100 (one second)

Increasing this parameter above the value of the regular Control‑M interval time, as set in the INTERVALM parameter, may dramatically affect the overall performance, and is not recommended in any case. When Control‑M is busy, BMC recommends that you set this parameter to no more than one second, while when Control‑M is less busy you may consider increasing it. The only disadvantage of using too low a number is that Control‑M may retry too early, wasting computer time.



Controls the order in which the DO SYSOUT F statement copies the SYSOUSpyer (status) subtask sectionT datasets of a job to a file.

Valid values are:

  • Y – The job's JES SYSOUT datasets (JESMSGLG, JESJCL, and JESYSMSG) are always copied first, regardless of the order in which JES writes the SYSOUT datasets to the spool.
  • N – The SYSOUT datasets are copied in the order in which they were written by JES. Default.



Number of DO SYSOUT processing tasks.

  • Valid values: 0–10
  • Default: 0 (DO SYSOUT actions processed by the CTMSPY task)

Setting this parameter to a non-zero value enhances Control-M job tracking and post-processing, by separating the tracking of jobs from the execution of DO SYSOUT actions (multi-SPY mode). By default, job tracking and DO SYSOUT actions are performed synchronously, that is, a job's status only changes to ENDED after that job's DO SYSOUT actions are executed. This may result in delays in job tracking in a JESPLEX environment when waiting for the spool slice window. When SYACTPR# is non-zero, the DO SYSOUT actions are executed asynchronously by separate tasks, preventing this type of delay. SYACTPR# specifies the number of such tasks that can run concurrently.

Note: when Control-M runs in multi-SPY mode, a job's status may change to ENDED before all its DO SYSOUT actions are executed. If a job's DO SYSOUT action fails, the job's Post-Processing Failed flag will not be turned on. If Control-M terminates abnormally during this time, some DO SYSOUT actions will not be executed (even after Control-M is restarted).



DO SYSOUT actions recovery level.

This parameter is applicable only when SYACTPR# > 0. It is ignored when the default SYACTPR# = 0 is used.

Valid values are:

  • 0 – low recovery level. Default
  • 1 – high recovery level

This parameter controls the recovery level of DO SYSOUT actions when Control-M works in multi-SPY mode. In high recovery level (SYACTRLV=1), if Control-M terminates abnormally, the messages in the IOA log file indicate precisely which DO SYSOUT actions were already executed. This may impact the performance of Control-M processing. The default low recovery level (SYACTRLV=0) does not have such an impact on performance, but messages in the IOA log may be less precise (that is, some DO SYSOUT actions may be executed without issuing appropriate log messages).


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Control-M parameter customization