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Post Processing subtask section

This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M Monitor during its Post Processing phase.

Table 11 Post Processing subtask parameters





File extension for SYSOUT sent by ONPGM … DO MAIL parameter.




The maximum size in KB of the SYSOUT that is attached to email messages when ATTSYSOT=Y.

  • Maximum: 999999
  • Default: 5000

When ATTSOTSZ=0, the size of the attachment is unlimited.

If the size of a job's SYSOUT exceeds the value of the ATTSOTSZ parameter, the SYSOUT will not be attached to email messages that are sent for that job.




Whether the SYSOUT of the job should be attached to email messages sent as a result of DO MAIL, DO SHOUT, or SHOUT statements.

Valid values are:

  • Y – The SYSOUT of the job is attached to all email messages that are sent as result of DO MAIL, DO SHOUT, or SHOUT statements.
  • N – The SYSOUT of the job is not attached to such email messages. Default.



Whether the JCL member should be copied from the MEMLIB library to the OVERLIB library, when the job ends NOTOK. JCL members of cyclic or rerun jobs (using DO RERUN) may be copied only if CYC2X15 is set to Y (see the CYC2X15 parameter below).

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The JCL member is copied.
  • N – The JCL member is not copied. Default.



When a job ends NOTOK and is holding a control resource whose prefix matches the corresponding parameter, this resource is not released by Control-M, and the job continues to hold it until it is rerun and ends OK, is FORCEd OK, or is deleted through screen 3 or NEWDAY processing.




Whether the Control‑M monitor should call the CTMX015 job termination exit when a cyclic job ends, or either when a DO RERUN or RESTART is performed.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Job termination exit is called for each cycle termination of a cyclic jobs.
  • N – Job termination exit is not called when cyclic job ends. Default.



Activates the issuing of warning messages when a job step (or range of steps) referenced by the ON PGMST statement in the job definition does not match any step in the JCL of the job.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Issue warning messages when a job step (or range of steps) referenced by the ON PGMST statement in the job definition does not match any step in the JCL of the job.

If at least one such the warning was issued for the job, the 'Post-Processing Failed' characteristic is added to job's status in Control-M.

  • N – Do not issue warning messages and do not add 'Post-Processing Failed' to job's status. Default.



Whether the JCL member should be deleted from the OVERLIB library if the rerun of the job ended OK. JCL members of any cycle after the first cycle in a cyclic job may be deleted only if CYC2X15 is set to Y (see the CYC2X15 parameter above).

Valid values are:

  • Y – The JCL member is deleted.
  • N – The JCL member is not deleted. Default.



Whether the JCL member should be deleted from the OVERLIB library if any run of any job ended OK. JCL members of cyclic jobs may be deleted only if CYC2X15 is set to Y (see the CYC2X15 parameter above).

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The JCL member is deleted.
  • N – The JCL member is not deleted. Default.



Whether the DO actions following codes of the form "ON PGMST ANYSTEP CODE OK" should be executed when a job is FORCEd-OK.

For further details on the operation of this parameter, see the discussion of the Force OK Confirmation window in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – DO actions following "CODE OK" are executed when job is FORCEd-OK.
  • N – Such DO actions are not executed. Default.




Whether the Control‑M Monitor should ignore SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT post-processing functions when reading of the SYSDATA of the job failed.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Ignore SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT post-processing functions when reading of the SYSDATA of the job failed.
  • N – Do not ignore SYSOUT and DO SYSOUT post-processing functions when the SYSDATA files of the job could not be read. Default.




Whether the Control‑M monitor should treat the IGD17001I and IGD17101I messages as NCT2 (Not Cataloged 2) conditions.

Valid values are:

  • Y – The Control‑M monitor does not treat the IGD17001I and IGD17101I messages as NCT2 conditions.
  • N – The Control‑M monitor treats the IGD17001I and IGD17101I messages as NCT2 (Not Cataloged 2) conditions. Default.




Whether the Control‑M monitor should issue the SEL250I message (CONDITION cond_name {DELETED | ADDED}: OID=orderid, RUNNUMBER=run_num) when it adds or delete a condition on behalf of a job due to an OUT or DO COND statement.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M issues the SEL250I message for each condition it adds on behalf of a job.
  • N – No SEL250I message is issued. Default.

For backward compatibility, the default value of this parameter is N. However, BMC recommends that you set it to Y, which logs all condition activity in the IOA Log, thus enabling you to trace the addition and deletion of conditions if necessary.



Whether Control‑M post-processes NJE jobs that were executed on both JES2 and JES3 systems.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M post-processes jobs that were executed on both JES2 and JES3 systems.
  • N – Control‑M does not post-process jobs that were executed on both JES2 and JES3 systems. Default.



When a job ends NOTOK and is holding a quantitative resource whose prefix matches the corresponding parameter, this resource is not released by Control-M, and the job continues to hold it until it is rerun and ends OK, is FORCEd OK, or is deleted through screen 3 or NEWDAY processing.




Whether a migrated scheduling library is recalled during the processing of a DO FORCEJOB request.

Valid values are:

  • Y – The scheduling table is recalled, and Control‑M tries to reorder the job in the same way as if the scheduling table is in use (see parameters FORCE#RT and FORCE#WI in the MONITOR section).
  • N – The scheduling table is not recalled, and the job is not scheduled. Default.




Maximum SYSOUT size (in KB) that can be viewed in Control‑M/EM. If an Control‑M/EM user attempts to view a SYSOUT that is larger than the VSYSOLIM value, the SYSOUT is truncated.

  • Maximum: 999999
  • Default: 0. The SYSOUT size is not limited.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization