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MONITOR section

This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M monitor.

Table 4 Control‑M monitor parameters

Parameter (Wish No.)




Whether to load the AJF above the bar.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Load AJF above the bar.
  • N (No) – Load AJF below the bar.
  • A (Auto) – AJF location is automatically selected by Control-M. Default.



Whether to allocate the AJF as a shared memory object. This parameter is relevant when the AJF is loaded above the bar.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Allocate the AJF as a shared memory object. Default
  • N (No) – Allocate the AJF as a non-shared memory object.




This option enables Control‑M tape drive resources to be automatically assigned, based on usage statistics, overriding tape drive resource allocations specified in the RESOURCE parameter of the job scheduling definition. If this option is not set, the statistics are not tracked.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M automatically tracks usage of and assigns Control‑M tape drive resources.
  • N – Control‑M does not automatically track usage of and assign Control‑M tape drive resources. Default.

For more information about the Automatic Tape Adjustment facility, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

1, 2


The maximum number of CMEM requests processed in each Control-M interval.

When there is a very large number of CMEM requests, the overhead involved in processing them can cause the performance of Control-M to be seriously degraded to such an extent that Control-M cannot process any other work. You can use this parameter to limit the number of CMEM requests that Control-M will process in each Control-M interval, enabling all Control-M functions to continue to perform properly.

  • Valid values are: 0 through 99.
  • Default: 20



Whether to activate the CTMPLEX facility, that is, run the Control‑M monitor in Sysplex mode.

For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

If you change the value for this parameter from N to Y, you must also perform all the steps related to CTMPLEX to activate this change. This avoids unpredictable results.



Whether to trace MCS $GD commands.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – MCS $GD commands are traced.
  • N (No) – MCS $GD commands are not traced. Default.

$GD commands are the communication mechanism used by local and remote NJE nodes to obtain the statuses of NJE jobs. These commands are issued only when extended NJE tracking support is activated.

The DBGMCS parameter enables the Control‑M administrator to turn this display on or off. The following considerations are important:

  • Tracing MCS $GD commands may involve high overhead.
  • When there are many NJE jobs, the console may be flooded with messages if the trace is active.

BMC recommends that you set DBGMCS to Y only when requested to do so by BMC Customer Support.

For more information about extended NJE tracking support, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.




The number of times Control‑M retries a FORCEJOB or CONNECT DIRECT request that fails.

This parameter is only effective if a positive value has been specified for the FORCE#WI parameter (described in this table).

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • 0 – Control‑M continues to try to execute the request until it succeeds, or until the Control‑M monitor terminates, whichever occurs first. Default.
  • nnn – Control‑M continues to try to execute the request until it succeeds, or until nnn attempts have been made, or until the Control‑M monitor terminates, whichever occurs first.




Whether Control‑M retries a FORCEJOB or CONNECT DIRECT request that fails, and if so, the frequency of retries.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • 0 – Control‑M does not retry to execute the request. Default.
  • nnn – Control‑M continues to try to execute the request every nnn Control‑M intervals.



  • When the Control‑M monitor shuts down, the queue of outstanding requests is lost. Therefore, on restarting after shutting down, Control‑M does not resume retrying to execute outstanding requests.
  • In the case of a CONNECT DIRECT request, the FORCE#WI and FORCE#RT parameters only operate if both the following conditions are satisfied:
  • no successfully triggered events were processed
  • a DATASET IN USE condition occurred during the execution of the request
  • On the successful processing of a single triggered event, the CONNECT DIRECT request is considered complete, and is not retried.


The automatic held output class to which Control‑M sends the MSGCLASS output of the job.

For more information about the HLDCLAS parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Sleeping interval of Control‑M monitor.

  • Mandatory

For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.




The maximum number of jobs that are put into Held status by the Automatic Recovery feature

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum value: 255
  • Default: 1

If you set a value for this parameter greater than zero and a subtask of a Control-M monitor job abends and message CTM114E is issued, the job is put into Held status and the CTM183E message is issued. If the number of jobs put into Held status after subtask abends is equal to the value set for this parameter, the job is not put into Held status, and the CTM184E message is issued.

This parameter can be used together with IBM’s ARM feature to automatically restart the Control-M monitor if it abends.



Whether to make the Control‑M monitor non-swappable.

  • Mandatory

For full information on customizing this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Control‑M performance data is accumulated and written to SMF at given time intervals. This parameter sets the time interval, in minutes, at which the SMF records are written. If the interval is set to 0 or 1440 then one SMF record is written during Control‑M Newday processing.

You can temporarily change this parameter using the Control‑M PERFDATA command. The PFMINT parameter is reset to the value in the CTMPARM member when the Control‑M monitor is restarted. For more information on the PERFDATA command, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

  • Valid Values: 0-1440
  • Default: 1440



Specifies the SMF record type used for Control‑M performance monitoring. Choose an SMF record type number which is not already in use at your installation. If the value is set to 0 no SMF records are created.

  • Valid Values: 0, 128-255
  • Default: 157



Output class to be dynamically changed on DD statements containing sysout parameters relating to jobs submitted by Control‑M.

For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization