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This section contains database-related parameters.

Table 5 Database-related parameters





Maximum number of records in the Active Jobs file (AJF).

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 10000000 (records)

For more information, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

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Type of AJF file.

  • Mandatory

Valid values:

  • B - BASIC (Default)
  • L - LARGE

The Active Jobs file (AJF) must be created using a DSNTYPE of BASIC, LARGE or EXTENDED through the AJFTYPE parameter. If the site’s AJFSIZE will not exceed 2,000,000 records (65,535 tracks) in the foreseeable future, then choose an AJFTYPE of BASIC (default), otherwise, an AJFTYPE of LARGE or EXTENDED must be chosen.

Consult the IBM manual, DFSMS: Using Data Sets, for the meaning of these various allocation types and how to choose the appropriate value.




Active Jobs file utilization threshold. When the threshold is reached, the Control‑M Monitor starts informing the operator about Active Jobs file utilization.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 99%
  • Default: 90%



Whether to activate the History Jobs file option.

For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

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Whether to activate the AJF Journaling option.

For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

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AJF Space Reuse Application parameter prefix.

Specifies the prefix of the application parameter in the Job Schedule Definition, for jobs to be handled by AJF Space Reuse Facility.

Valid value is a string not longer than 8 characters. The default value is blank, which means that all jobs may be processed by the AJF Space Reuse Facility (if the value of the REUSTIME parameter is not zero).

For further information see the discussion of the Active Jobs File Space Reuse Facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.



AJF Space Reuse Retention Period.

Specifies the retention period (in minutes) for a job in Active Jobs File before it is deleted by AJF Space Reuse facility. Valid values are from 0 to 9999 minutes. Default is zero, which means that AJF Space Reuse Facility is inactive.

For further information see the discussion of the Active Jobs File Space Reuse Facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization