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NEW DAY section

This section contains parameters that take effect during New Day processing.

Table 6 New Day processing parameters





The start time of the work day at your site.

For full information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



For Smart Tables where KEEP JOBS UNTIL REMOVED is set to Y, this parameter controls whether Control-M New Day processing or AJF Compress forces Smart Table completion when the MAXWAIT of all its jobs (and the Smart Table itself) has expired.

The Force Smart Table Completion process is the same process as occurs when a Smart Table job with END-TABLE Y finishes. For additional information, see END-TABLE: Post–Processing Parameter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control-M New Day processing or AJF Compress forces Smart Table completion when the MAXWAIT of all its jobs (and the Smart Table itself) has expired. Default
  • N – Control-M New Day processing or AJF Compress does not force Smart Table completion when the MAXWAIT of all its jobs (and the Smart Table itself) has expired.



After Control-M monitor issues the message "CTM113I Control-M MONITOR monitor name NEWDAY PROCESSING STARTED", it waits for a number of Control‑M sleeping intervals (this parameter) for the New Day started task to start executing. If the New Day procedure does not start to execute, the "CTML03W NEW DAY PROCEDURE NOT DETECTED" message is issued, followed by the CTML06W REPLY 'R' FOR RESUME OR 'E' FOR END message.

For example, if the Control-M sleeping interval is 3 seconds, and the default value of 30 is used, the monitor waits 90 seconds for the Newday started task to start executing.

  • Default: 30

For more information, see the INCONTROL of z/OS Administrator Guide for details.




Whether to activate the New Day in memory facility. This shortens the New Day procedure by performing all compress processing using the monitor’s copy of the AJF.

Valid values are:

  • Y – The New Day procedure does not read the AJF from DASD. The New Day procedure copies the AJF from the Control-M monitor's address space (using the cross- memory facility). After compressing the AJF, the New Day procedure copies the compressed AJF back to the Control-M monitor's address space. Default.
  • N – The New Day procedure and Control-M monitor always read the AJF from DASD.



Name of the Control‑M New Day procedure, a started task that Control‑M invokes once a day to perform New Day functions.

If left blank, this parameter defaults to xxxTDAY, where xxx is the value of PROCPRFM.

For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.



Whether the New Day procedure should report about every job that is deleted from the Active Jobs file.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • N – Normal. Every job that is deleted is reported. Default.
  • S – Suppress deleted job messages. The only jobs reported are those deleted because the time set by their MAXWAIT parameter has been exceeded.

Changes to this parameter take effect the next time the New Day Procedure is run.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization