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ORDER section

This section contains parameters that affect the ordering process.

Table 7 Ordering process parameters






Whether to stop the ordering process if a "Calendar Not Found" error occurs during the job ordering process.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Stop the ordering process if a Calendar Not Found error occurs.
  • N – Continue ordering the next job even if a Calendar Not Found error occurs. Default.

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Whether to continue ordering the next job if a Compress error occurs during the ordering process.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Activate this option.
  • N – Do not activate this option. Default.

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Whether to continue ordering if a Cards Error (Scheduling) occurs during the job ordering process, or if a job scheduling table (member) is not found.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Continue ordering the next job even if a cards error occurs or a job scheduling table cannot be found during ordering of a job.
  • N – Do not continue. Default.

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The operation that should be performed when Control‑M is to execute a Control‑D Category as specified in D-CAT field.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Force Control‑D Category. Default.
  • N – Order Control‑D Category.

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Whether an empty SMART table, meaning a SMART Table Entity with no jobs, can be ordered.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – An empty SMART table can be ordered.
  • N – An empty SMART table cannot be ordered. Default.

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Exclude RBCs are rule-based calendars that specify the days that jobs will NOT be ordered. To specify an Exclude RBC, an exclamation mark (!) must be added as a prefix when defining a Table level RBC, or as a prefix to the RBC name when referring to a Control-M (CTM) level RBC.

Before turning the value of EXCLURBC from N to Y, the user must ensure that regular (Include) RBCs that are defined at the Table level and all RBCs defined at the CTM level do not have an “!” character prefix. For more information, see the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Any TABLE level RBC that is defined with a name starting with an “!” prefix, or any CTM level RBC that is referenced with "!" as the first character, is processed as an Exclude RBC.
  • N – All RBCs are processed as regular (Include) RBCs, even those that are defined or referenced with the “!” prefix. The "!" will be treated as a regular character. Default.

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Whether, when forcing or ordering a job belonging to a SMART table, to insert a RBC value into the job definition on the AJF. Under normal circumstances, since the job is forced, the job definition would not contain a RBC value.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Sets a RBC value in the job definition according to the following criteria:
    • If the job's scheduling definition refers to a rule-based calendar, the first of these calendars is used.
    • If the job's scheduling definition does not contain a rule-based calendar, the first scheduling calendar defined in the SMART Table Entity to which the job belongs is used.
    • If the job's scheduling definition refers to a rule-based calendar '*', the first scheduling calendar defined in the SMART Table Entity is used.
  • N - Does not set any RBC value for the forced job. Default.

Note: FORCERBC=Y forces the job to be ordered by its internal scheduling criteria, as opposed to by the criteria of the associated RBC.

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Whether, when the name specified in a FORCE command is the name of both a SMART table and a job within that SMART table, the SMART table is forced.

  • Mandatory

The FORCE command can force both SMART tables and individual jobs, according to the following principles:

  • If a job is named in a FORCE command, that job is forced.
  • If a SMART table is named in a FORCE command, that SMART table is forced.
  • If the name specified in a FORCE command is the name of both a SMART table and a job within that SMART table
    — when this parameter (FORCETBL) is set to N, which is the default, the job is forced
    — when this parameter (FORCETBL) is set to Y, the SMART table is forced

Valid values are:

  • Y – The SMART table is forced.
  • N – The SMART table is not forced. Default.

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An (optional) value that causes extra space in the Active Jobs file to be preserved for each and every job during the ordering process. This space can later be used by the Active Environment Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z) to add more data to the job.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 1024 (bytes)
  • Default: 150 (bytes)

Exercise caution when setting the value for this parameter, since the size of the job may affect Control‑M performance, and most importantly, may increase I/O time every time the job is to be read or written. On the other hand, you can use this parameter to reserve enough space to enable users to add more information to the job in the Active Environment Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z), such as IN Conditions, OUT Conditions, Shouts and Notes.

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Whether, when the TIME ZONE parameter is set in a job definition and the New Day procedure runs, the current working day or the next working day is assigned to the job.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The next day is assigned as the working day of the job. Default.
  • N – The current working day is assigned as the working day of the job.

For more information on the Time Zone feature, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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When this parameter is set to Y, if one of the jobs is rejected by an exit (user or security exit), the ordering process terminates with RC=8.

If the job is part of a SMART table, ordering the SMART table fails.

Valid values are:

  • Y - Activate feature as described above.
  • N - Return code is not changed and the SMART table is not cancelled if job is rejected by an exit. Default.



The LDCAEORD (LoaD Cached AutoEdit variables at ORDer time) allows AutoEdit variables, which have been loaded in the Control-M cache, to be resolved at order time. (The AECACHL parameter points to the cached AutoEdit variables.)

  • Mandatory

Valid values:

  • Y – resolve the cached AutoEdit variables at order time.
  • N – do not resolve the cached AutoEdit variables at order time. Default.

Caution: Setting the LDCAEORD parameter to Y might slow the job ordering process.

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The MXJINBOR (MaXimum Jobs IN Bulk Order) determines how many jobs are included in bulk ordering.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

Numeric values from 0 to 99999.

The default is 300.

0 means that bulk ordering is disabled.

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The completion code returned when the ordering process results in no jobs being ordered.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The ordering process sets the return code to 4 when no jobs are ordered.
  • N – The ordering process sets the return code to 0 when no jobs are ordered. Default.

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Whether to globally change the Adjust Condition field in SMART Table Entity definitions.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Causes Control-M to treat any SMART Table Entity whose Adjust Condition field has the value of Y as though the field were specified with a value of D.
  • N – The value of the Adjust Condition field is not changed. Default.

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Whether to reset the completion code to 0 when CNTERCRD=Y.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Reset the completion code to 0 when CNTERCRD=Y
  • N – Do not change the resulting completion code. Default.




The percentage threshold of used space in the Active Jobs file (AJF) at which Control-M does not allow additional jobs to be ordered.

  • Maximum: 99%
  • Default: 99%

Specify 0 to disable this feature.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization