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Selector subtask section

This section contains parameters that affect the Control‑M Monitor during the Select phase.

Table 8 Selector subtask parameters





Whether to check the DUE-IN time of a job before selecting the job for submission.

If a check is to be performed, that is, if the DUEINCHK parameter is set to Y, the job is not selected if, according to its average elapsed time, it will not finish before its DUE-OUT time.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Check DUE-OUT time of the job before selecting the job.
  • N – Do not check DUE-OUT time of the job. Default.




Whether QUIESTIME commands are to affect both jobs and SMART tables, or only jobs.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – QUIESTIME affects only jobs.
  • N – QUIESTIME affects both jobs and SMART tables. Default

For more information on QUIESTIME, see the description of setting a planned shutdown time in the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.




Limits the number of active jobs in Control-M.

  • Valid values are: 0 through 999999
  • Default: 0 (no limitation)

Use of this parameter is functionally equivalent to defining a quantitative resource, such as an Initiator resource, with a total quantity specified in the parameter’s value, and assigning every Control‑M job 1 unit of the resource. Using this parameter, rather than resources, lowers the Control-M monitor’s computer utilization by decreasing the number of tracked Control-M jobs waiting in the JES input queue. See the section about the Control-M monitor and JES considerations in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide for recommendations on how to use this parameter.

This parameter does not consider SMART Table Entities, started tasks, NJE jobs, on-spool jobs, and dummy jobs as active jobs.



Before selecting a job belonging to an Active SMART Table for submission, a decision must be made whether to re-check some of the SMART Table parameter. The decision is based on the TBLRECHK parameter.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • C – If any IN CONDITIONS defined in the SMART Table definition were added or deleted since the SMART Table became Active, then first rechecks all the run time criteria of the SMART Table before checking the job parameters. If any of the SMART Table run time criteria are not satisfied, then the SMART Table status is reset from Active to Wait Schedule, and none of jobs of this SMART TABLE will be eligible for running.
  • Y – The same as ‘C’ option. Exists for compatibility with previous versions.
  • T – Before selecting a job belonging to an Active SMART Table for submission, recheck the FROM TIME / UNTIL TIME limitations defined in the SMART Table definition. If these limitations are not satisfied, then do not select a job for submission. In any case (whether FROM TIME/UNTIL TIME limitations are satisfied or not), the SMART Table remains in Active status.
  • A – Works as ‘C’ and ‘T’ together. Such as if any IN CONDITIONS defined in the SMART Table definition were added or deleted, rechecks all run time criteria of the SMART Table (including FROM TIME/UNTIL TIME) and resets the status of the SMART Table back to Wait Schedule if any run time criteria are not satisfied. If no changes occurred with the IN CONDITIONS defined in the SMART Table definition, then rechecks only FROM TIME/UNTIL TIME limitations, defined in the SMART Table definition, and keeps the SMART Table in Active status even when the FROM TIME/UNTIL TIME limitations are not satisfied.
  • N – Do not check the SMART Table parameters once the SMART Table is active. The selection process of the jobs belonging to the Active SMART Table, only checks the job run time criteria. Default.



Determines whether Control-M uses global workload policies, local workload policies, or both.

Valid values are:

  • GLOBAL - use global workload policies
  • LOCAL - use local workload policies
  • BOTH - use both global and local workload policies. Default.

Local workload policies are managed in the IOA W screen, whereas Global workload policies are managed from Control-M/EM GUI and can only be viewed in IOA W screen.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization