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Step 9. Install Control-M/Analyzer

If you do not intend to run Control‑M/Analyzer at your site, skip this step.

Install Control‑M/Analyzer following the instructions in the Control‑M/Analyzer installation chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. Observe the following rules:

Note: In the following steps, do not use ICE to allocate the Control‑M/Analyzer repository. Instead, migrate the repository in the version you are now using to the current release, as explained in Step 49. Migrate Control-M/Analyzer.

  1. During testing, the Control‑M/Analyzer current release procedure names such as CTBNDAY must differ from the corresponding earlier version procedure names.
  2. Assign PROCPRFB value

    Assign a value to the PROCPRFB parameter. This value is used as the prefix of Control‑M/Analyzer procedure names. Then adjust the JCL of your production jobs accordingly. For details, see the explanation of PROCPRFA in substep 3 of Step 3. Install the IOA component.

  3. Install security interface

    If the Control‑M/Analyzer security interface was installed in the version you are now using, install the new Control‑M/Analyzer security interface.

Parent Topic

Installing the current release as a test system