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Step 3. Install the IOA component

Install the IOA component, following the instructions in the IOA installation chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. Observe the following rules:

  1. Assign parameter values

    Use the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE) to assign values to the current release parameters in the following table that are different than the values of the corresponding parameters in the system you are now using. For details, see the DEFPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

    Table 3 IOA parameters




    Prefix of the Environment INSTALL library and IOA Installation libraries


    Prefix of the IOA Operations libraries


    IOA LOAD library


    Prefix of the IOA Core

  2. While you are testing the current release, the names of IOA started tasks such as IOAOMON1 and IOAVMON must differ from the names of the same started tasks in the earlier version.
  3. Assign a value to the PROCPRFA parameter

    Assign a value to be used as the prefix of IOA procedure names. Then adjust the JCL of your production jobs accordingly:

    WARNING: If you assign the same value to the PROCPRFA parameter as in your previous version installation, ensure that all IOA started tasks that were specified in the SYS1.PARMLIB (COMMNDxx) will continue to be invoked from the correct procedure library.

  4. Assign parameter values in the IOAPARM member

    For the QNAME and SSNAME parameters, assign values that are different than the values in your earlier version system. To find the values in the system you are now using, see the IOAPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

    WARNING: Using an earlier version production IOA QNAME during testing can damage production files.

  5. Assign parameter values in the IOAXPRM member

    If you are installing the IOA Online monitor, assign values to the SUBSYSTEM and VTAM APPLICATION parameters. The values that you assign must be different than the values in your current production system.

  6. IOA security interface

    If the IOA Security interface was installed in the version you are now using, install the new IOA Security interface.

    If you are using the IOA Online monitor, grant the IOAOMON user permission to access all data sets used by online users.

  7. Install maintenance

    Install any maintenance that you applied to the test system that you created in substep 2 in Step 2. Install the current release as a test system.

Parent Topic

Installing the current release as a test system