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Step 8. Install Control-O

If you do not intend to run Control‑O at your site, skip this step.

Note: Control-M/Links for z/OS is a separately licensed product that enables customers to use Control‑O functions to assist with Control‑M operations. To install Control‑M/Links follow the instructions for installing Control-O.

Install Control‑O following the instructions in the Control‑O installation chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. Observe the following rules:

  1. Assign parameter values

    Use ICE to assign values to the current release parameters in the following table that are different than the values of the corresponding parameters in the version you are now using. For details, see the DEFPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

    Table 10 Control‑O parameters




    Prefix of the Control‑O Installation library


    Prefix of the Control‑O Operations libraries

  2. While you are testing the current release, names of Control‑O started tasks such as CONTROLO must differ from the names of the same started tasks in the version you are now using.
  3. Assign PROCPRFO value

    Assign a value to the PROCPRFO parameter. This value is the prefix of Control‑O procedure names. Then adjust the JCL of your production jobs accordingly. For details, see the explanation of PROCPRFA in substep 3 of Step 3. Install the IOA component.

  4. Assign values in the CTOPARM member

    For the following parameters, assign values that are different than the values in the version you are now using. To find the values in the version you are now using, see the CTOPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

  5. Reallocate Automation Log file

    If you cannot reallocate the Automation Log because Control‑O is running, skip this step; you will be instructed to reallocate in Step 48. Migrate Control-O.

    To reallocate the Automation Log file at this time, do the following:

    1. Use the IDCAMS utility to delete or rename both the CLUSTER and the DATA elements of the existing Automation Log files in each computer that is running Control‑O.
    2. Enter the main ICE screen.
    3. Select Customization.
    4. Select an environment to customize.
    5. Enter CTO in the Product field.
    6. Select Product Customization.
    7. Select major step 2, "Customize Control-O Dataset Parameters."
    8. Select minor step 6, "Allocate the Automation Log File."
    9. Submit and execute the job on every system that should run Control-O.
  6. If the Control‑O security interface was installed in the version you are now using, install the new Control‑O security interface.

    If you are using CMEM, you should have already installed the Control‑O security interface as part of CMEM security interface installation. In this case, you only need to customize security definitions, as described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Security Guide.

    Save security parameters. When upgrading from an earlier Control‑O version when Control‑O security is implemented at your site, do the following:

    1. Enter the main ICE screen.
    2. Select Customization.
    3. Select an environment to customize.
    4. Enter CTO in the Product field.
    5. Select Security Customization.
    6. Select major step 1, "Implement Control‑O Security."
    7. Select minor step 3, "Save Security Parameters into Product."
    8. Select Control-O SECURITY.
    9. Perform minor steps 2, 3, and 4.

Parent Topic

Installing the current release as a test system