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Presentation Mode Variables

Table 46 Presentation Mode Variables




Controls the position of the last screen line when the IOA Online interface operates under ISPF. Valid values are:

L1 - The last IOA screen line is displayed on the bottom line of the physical screen. Default.

L2 - The last IOA screen line is displayed on the second line from the bottom of the physical screen.


Controls whether the Status field of jobs in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3) contains a detailed list of all Bypass options specified for the job. Valid values are:

Y (Yes) - Show all the Bypass options of the job.

N (No) - Do not show all the Bypass options of the job.


Controls whether the elapsed time values for jobs in screen 3 (display types all and network) are displayed in minutes or in seconds. Valid values are:

Y (Yes) - Display elapsed time in seconds.

N (No) - Display elapsed time in minutes. Default.


Controls the starting point and direction of data flow in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3). Valid values are:

BOT - On entering the Active Environment screen, jobs at the bottom of the Active Jobs file (that is, the newest jobs) are displayed. The user can use scrolling commands and PFKeys to scroll upward (to the oldest jobs). Default.

TOP -- On entering the Active Environment screen, jobs at the top of the Active Jobs file (that is, the oldest jobs) are displayed. The user can use scrolling commands and PFKeys to scroll downward (to the newest jobs).


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced in the Control‑M/Analyzer Mission List screen (Screen BM). Valid values are:

Y (Yes) - A single double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced.

N (No) - A confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced in the Control‑D Printing, Backup or Restore Mission list (Screen M).

Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced.

N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls how the IOA Primary Option menu is displayed.

B - Always display the menu in box style.

Lxxxxxx - Display the menu in box style when the number of lines of the menu equal or exceed the number specified by xxxxxx. Default.

Txxxxxx - Display the menu in box style when the number of boxes of the menu equal or exceed the number specified by xxxxxx.


Controls whether a confirmation window or a double confirmation window is opened when an entire table is ordered or forced in the Control‑O Rule Table list (Screen OR).

Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced.

N (No) - A confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a rule is ordered or forced in the CMEM Rule list (Screen C).

Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced.

N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a mission is ordered or forced in the Control‑D Mission list (Screen R).

Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a job is ordered or forced.

N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a job is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls whether Rule Description or Rule Data is displayed by default in the Control‑M/Tape Rule list (Screen TR).

Y (Yes) - Display the Rule Description by default.

N (No) - Display the Rule Data by default.


Controls whether a single or double confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced in the Control‑M Table list (Screen 2).

Y (Yes) - A double confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced.

N (No) - A single confirmation window is opened when a table is ordered or forced. Default.


Controls the default display type of the footer of the User Report entry panel. Default: blank. When a blank is encountered, the following values are used:

Display type D: When only Control‑D is installed.

Display type V: When Control‑V is installed.


Controls the default display type of the header of the User Report entry panel. Default: blank. When a blank is encountered, the following values are used:

Display type D: When only Control‑D is installed.

Display type V: When Control‑V is installed.


Controls whether the view indicator in the Control‑D or Control‑V Report List screen (Screen U) is displayed, and if it is displayed, what the format is.

Y (Yes) - The view indicator is blank if the report has not yet been viewed and V if the report has been viewed.

N (No) - The view indicator is not displayed and not saved.

A - The view indicator indicates the number of times (maximum: 255) the report has been viewed. If the number is too large to fit into the display field, an asterisk (*) is displayed. Default.

Note: By default, the view indicator is one column wide.

The following variables correspond to the primary line commands in the Control-M Active Environment screen, which can be used to toggle the display of information in the Status portion for each job. These commands are: CPUID, DESC, GROUP, NOTE, ORDERID, and TABLE, and are described in the section describing Active Environment Screen commands in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide:


Corresponds to the CPU command to show or hide a job's CPU ID. Valid values are:

Y – Show

N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the DESC command to show or hide a job's description. Valid values are:

Y – Show

N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the GROUP command to show or hide the SMART Table to which the job belongs. Valid values are:

Y – Show

N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the NOTE command to show or hide any notes attached to the job. Valid values are:

Y – Show

N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the ORDERID command to show or hide the job's order ID. Valid values are:

Y – Show

N – Hide (default)


Corresponds to the TABLE command to show or hide the name of the job scheduling library and the table from which the job was ordered. Valid values are:

Y – Show

N – Hide (default)

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Profile Variables