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Profile Variables

Follow the major and minor steps in ICE to specify values for the Profile variables. If you are not familiar with the ICE application, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

To change the value of a Profile variable, perform the following steps in ICE:

  1. Select Customization.
  2. Enter IOA in the Product field.
  3. Select Product Customization.
  4. Select major step 3, "Profile Variables."
  5. Select the type of variable.
  6. Locate the desired variable and specify the required value.

    Online help is available for each variable specified using ICE. The following sections describe each variable.

  7. Save the values you entered by selecting "Step 6.7 Save Values in $PROFMOD."

    ICE allows referencing of previous settings of Profile variables specified in other (previous or current) environments of IOA. When installing a new IOA environment, it is possible to automatically retrieve the predefined settings at your site. A default value is provided for any new profile variables that are not retrieved.

    To retain predefined settings (for example, from previous INCONTROL versions), copy the version of member $PROFMOD from your previous version to the PARM library after completing the ICE installation.

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IOA Profiles