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Window Display Variables

Table 42 Window Display Variables




Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a backup mission from the Control‑D Active Mission Zoom screen (Screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) – The confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) – The backup mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether Screen 3.N is affected by the Show filter in use in Screen 3. (Screen 3.N is displayed when the N command is entered in Screen 3.)

  • Y (Yes) – The Show filter in use in Screen 3 governs what is displayed in Screen 3.N. Default.
  • N (No) – Screen 3.N is unaffected by the Show filter in use in Screen 3, and includes all jobs linked with the job selected.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to rerun a job in the Active Jobs file (Screen 3) with the status WAIT CONFIRMATION (Control‑M without Control‑M/Restart).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed. Default.
  • N (No) – An attempt is made to rerun the job without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to delete an entry from the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) – The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Defines the default value that will appear in the CTB STEP statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes). Default.
  • N (No)


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when the O (Force OK) option is specified in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3). Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) – The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Defines the default value that will appear in the OUT statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes). Default.
  • N (No).


Defines the default value that will appear in the ON PGMSTEP statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)
  • N (No)

If no value is specified, the value set in the FRCOKOPT parameter will be the default value for that field.


Defines the default value that will appear in the SHOUT statements field in the FORCE OK confirmation window. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes). Default.
  • N (No)


Determines which IOA Log messages are displayed when L is typed next to a job on the Control-M Screen 3.

  • Y (Yes) – only log messages that match the orderid of the specified job. Default.
  • N (No) – all log messages for the specified job


Specifies how to treat character search criteria in versions prior to 6.2.xx, which do not use masking characters.

  • Y (Yes) – Treat all character search criteria as if a masking character was entered. For example, if AB was entered as a member name to be searched, the SACTMSK variable causes that entry to be treated as AB*. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not add a masking character.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to rerun a job (Control‑M without Control‑M/Restart).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed. Default.
  • N (No) – An attempt is made to rerun the job without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to rerun a mission from the Control‑D Active Missions screen (screen A).

  • Y (Yes) – A confirmation window is displayed. Default.
  • N (No) – The request to rerun a mission is processed without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is opened when a request is made to delete an entry from the Control‑D Active Missions screen (Screen A).

A confirmation window is displayed.

The request to delete an entry from the Active Missions screen is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a printing mission from the Control‑D Active Mission Zoom screen (Screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) – The confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) – The printing mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a restore mission from the Control‑D Active Mission zoom screen (screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) – The confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) – The restore mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a decollation mission from the Control-D Active Missions zoom screen (screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The decollation mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether to display the Save confirmation window when a request is made to update a decollation mission from the Control‑D Active Missions zoom screen (Screen A.Z).

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The decollation mission is updated without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to add a prerequisite condition using the Control‑D Why screen (Screen A.?).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The add request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether the Reset confirmation window is displayed in the Control‑O Message Statistics screen (Screen OM).

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation window is displayed. Default.
  • N (No) - The Reset is processed without prompting the user for confirmation.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to erase a condition from the IOA Manual Conditions list (Screen 7).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The erase request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to delete a condition or resource using the IOA Conditions/Resources screen (screen 4).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to delete a job in screen 2.

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed. In this confirmation panel, it is also possible to invoke the Control-M Condition Inheritance feature.
  • N (No) - The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls the value of the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION parameter in the entry panel of the Control-M Scheduling Facility.

  • Y (Yes) – AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION is set to Y. Changes made to documentation are automatically saved when updating the job scheduling definition.
  • N (No) – AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION is set to N. No changes made to documentation are automatically saved. Default.


Controls the value of the SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION parameter in the entry panel of the Control-M Scheduling Facility.

  • Y (Yes) – SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION is set to Y. Job documentation lines appear when the Job Scheduling Definition screen is displayed.
  • N (No) – SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION is set to N. No job documentation lines appear. Default.


Controls the method of exiting the Control‑M Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z) when the user has made changes.

  • Y (Yes) -- The PF03/PF15 key (END command) is interpreted as a SAVE request and a SAVE confirmation window is displayed to prompt the user for confirmation.
    If SAVE is specified in the command line, changes to the job entry are made without displaying the SAVE confirmation window.
  • N (No) -- SAVE must be specified in the command line to request that changes be kept. No SAVE confirmation window is displayed. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to delete a report in the User Report List screen (screen U) of Control‑D.

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The delete request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to update a report in the User Report List screen (screen U) of Control‑D.

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed.
  • N (No) - The update request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation. Default.


Controls whether a confirmation window is displayed when a request is made to add a prerequisite condition using the Control‑M Why screen (Screen 3.?).

  • Y (Yes) - A confirmation window is displayed. Default.
  • N (No) - The add request is processed without prompting the user for confirmation.


Determines the condition display mode that will be used upon entry to the Control-M Why screen.

  • M (Missing) – The Missing Conditions display mode will be used upon entry to the Why screen. Default.
  • A (All) – The All Conditions display mode will be used upon entry to the Why screen.

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Profile Variables