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Work Mode Variables

Table 45 Work Mode Variables




Controls whether a confirmation panel is displayed when the JOB parameter in a DO FORCEJOB request on screen 2 or 2.G is blank.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - The confirmation panel is displayed.
  • N (No) - The confirmation panel is not. Default.


Determines whether the user can add additional job details to pass to CTMX008, when the exit is called with the X line command in screen 3.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - A window is opened for the user to specify additional information to pass to CTMX008.
  • N (No) - Only the exit is called, no window is opened, no info is passed to CTMX008. Default.


Specifies the name of an optional initial filter when entering the Control‑M Job Active Environment screen (Screen 3). If a valid filter name is specified, it becomes the default of the initial SHOW filter of Screen 3.

  • EXEC Filter - EXEC is displayed as the initial SHOW filter, until the user changes it using the SHOW xxx command, regardless of the last filter that was used.
  • blank - No initial filter is used. The filter that was used the last time screen 3 was entered is displayed. Otherwise, the default filter is used as the initial filter. Default.


Date format length (does not affect all IOA date references).

Note: This variable affects only MDY and DMY date formats.

Valid values are:

  • 6 digits - The format is ddmmyy. Default.
  • 8 digits -- The format is ddmmyyyy.


Permits the user to save SMART Tables that contain only a SMART Table Entity (with no job definitions) via screen 2. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Empty SMART Tables with no job definitions can be saved.
  • N (No) – Only SMART Tables with job definitions can be saved. Default.


Defines the default value of the date field in the window opened as a result of adding a new manual condition (ADD NEW command) in the IOA Manual Conditions file (screen 7). Valid values are:

  • DATE - The current MVS system date is inserted in the window. Default.
  • ODAT - The ODAT (the original scheduling date) is inserted in the window.


Defines the default value of the date field in the confirmation window opened as a result of ordering or forcing a job, rule or mission from a Definition List screen (screens 2, R, M, OR, TR, and BM). Valid values are:

  • DATE - Current system date is inserted in the window. Default.
  • ODAT - The original scheduling date is inserted in the window.


Controls whether the user is required to enter a value in the APPLICATION field in the Job Scheduling Definition screen (screen 2).

  • Y (Yes) - The user is required to enter a value in the APPLICATION field.
  • N (No) - The user is not required to enter a value in the APPLICATION field. Default.


Controls whether the user is required to enter a value in the GROUP field in the Job Scheduling Definition screen (screen 2).

  • Y (Yes) - The user is required to enter a value in the GROUP field.
  • N (No) - The user is not required to enter a value in the GROUP field. Default.


Specifies whether the PF03/PF15 key is used in addition to the PF04/PF16 key in the Show window and the Control-M/Restart Step List window of the Active Environment screen (Screen 3) to reset (that is, exit the window with no action). Valid values:

  • Y (Yes) - The PF03/PF15 key resets the window.
  • N (No) - The PF03/PF15 key does not reset the window. Default.


Limits the lines to be read in the Control‑M/Tape Media Database list (screen TI).

The search limit is a number from 1 to 999,999. Default: 100,000.


Determines the DATE range for the IOA Manual Conditions file (screen 7). Valid values are:

  • ALL
  • YEAR
  • -nnn - Sets FROM to -nnn days from today and UNTIL to the current date. Default: -3


Specifies the search limit for the IOA Log file and the Automation Log file (screens 5 and OL). Default: 010000.

Note: A value of 999999 specifies an unlimited search. Two pop-up windows will be displayed (for SRCHLMT and SROLFDL) when both variables do not specify an unlimited search.


Determines date range for the IOA Conditions or Resources screen (screen 4). Valid values are:

  • ALL
  • YEAR
  • -nnn - Sets FROM to -nnn days from today and UNTIL to the current date. Default: -3


Limits the number of lines searched using the FIND command in the IOA Online facility screens and in the Control‑D User Reports facility. This parameter must contain five valid digits (including leading zeroes if necessary). Default: 05000 (that is, 5000 lines).

Note: A value of 99999 specifies an unlimited search. Two pop-up windows will be displayed (for SRCHLMT and SROLFDL) when both variables do not specify an unlimited search.


Controls whether a user is forced into BROWSE mode when a job, mission or rule definition selected from an IOA definition screen is in use by another user. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Force the user into BROWSE mode.
  • N (No) - Display message IOAE32E and reject the option. Default.


Controls the order of jobs displayed in screen 3.V of the Control‑M/R Online interface (SYSOUT Viewing screen). This parameter is relevant only for sites with Control‑M/Restart installed. Valid values are:

  • FIFO - Sysouts are displayed in FIFO (first in, first out) order. The oldest job’s Sysout is displayed first. Default.
  • LIFO - Sysouts are displayed in LIFO (last in, first out) order. The most recent job’s Sysout is displayed first.


Limits the lines to be read in screen U.

The search limit is a number from 1 to 999,999. Default: 500.

A value of 999999 specifies an unlimited search.


Controls whether to activate the SORT command in screen U. (Control‑D or Control‑V User Report List).

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Automatically activate the SORT command upon accessing screen U.
  • N (No) - The SORT command is not activated when accessing screen U. Default.

For details about the SORT command in screen U, see the online facilities chapter in the Control‑D and Control V User Guide.


Controls whether to show reports created by a printing mission with parameter STORE set to YES.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)—Both stored and non-stored reports are displayed in the Active User Report List screen. Default for the command.
  • O (Only)—Only stored reports are displayed in the Active User Report List screen.
  • N (No)—Stored reports are not displayed in the Active User Report List screen.


Controls whether to check if a user name exists in the Control‑D Recipient Tree when using the GIVETO command and when adding an additional user using the ADD INFO option in the Control‑D and Control‑V User Report List screen.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - Check if the user name exists in the Control‑D Recipient Tree.
  • N (No) - Do not check if the user name exists in the Recipient Tree.


Controls whether to use a fast find algorithm when using the FIND command in Control‑D and Control‑V screen U.V and Control‑M screen 3.V. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes) - Activate a fast find algorithm that requires up to 50% less CPU time when searching forward. Supports only all uppercase and all lowercase search strings. Mixed case strings are not supported.
  • N (No) - The regular FIND command is activated when viewing reports or sysouts. Supports uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case search strings. Default.

The line where the string is found is always displayed as the first line on the screen. In Control‑D and Control‑V, the fast find algorithm is used only when viewing reports without rulers.


Controls whether Control-M Online users will be able to enter lowercase data in the text lines and subject lines of DO MAIL statements and in the textual parameters of DO REMFORCE statements.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - allow lower case data in DO MAIL and DO REMFORCE statements
  • N (No) - translate lower case data in DO MAIL and DO REMFORCE statements to upper case. Default

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Profile Variables