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IOA support for DO REMEDY

The DO REMEDY option in Control-M for z/OS enables creation of a problem ticket in the Remedy Help Desk system by sending a formatted e-mail to a special mailbox that is defined for this purpose. For more information about the DO REMEDY option, see the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

The Remedy Email Engine reads the incoming message sent to this mailbox and creates problem tickets in the Remedy system, according to the details in each message.

To set up IOA support for DO REMEDY

  1. Create an account on a POP3 mail server (for example, Microsoft Exchange Server) and record the following details:

    BMC recommends that you ensure that the new mail account has been set up correctly by trying to access the account from Microsoft Outlook. In Outlook, select Tools => E-mail Accounts => Add a new E-mail account => POP3. After you have filled in the details, press Test Account Settings.

  2. Install and configure the Remedy Email Engine.

    Note: Ensure that the Java SDK is already installed on the computer where the Remedy Email Engine will be installed.

    For detailed instructions about installing the Remedy Email Engine, see the Action Request System 6.3 Remedy Email Engine Guide.

    Remedy Email Engine configuration guidelines

  3. Copy members REMCONFD and REMTMPL from the IOA.BASE.GENERAL library to the IOA.PARM library.
  4. Create a copy of REMCONFD in the IOA.PARM library, and name it REMCONF.
  5. Configure the parameters in member REMCONF, as described in REMCONF member.
  6. Create a copy of REMTMPL in the IOA.PARM library, and name it REMTMPLx, where x is the suffix specified in the REMTPLS parameter of the REMCONF member.
  7. Configure the email template in the REMTMPLx member, as described in REMTMPLx member.
  8. Define the nickname and email address defined in REMMAIL parameter of REMCONF member in the MAILDEST member (see note below).
  9. Recycle the Control-M Monitor.

    Note: The following MAILDEST parameters, which are related to the Remedy interface in version 6.3.01 and earlier, are no longer supported: RMxSRV, RMxUSR, RMxPSW, RMxSCM, RMxSRC, RMxSTS, RMxTYP. In this list, the value of x may be M, D, or O. If these parameters are set in the MAILDEST member, they will be ignored.

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