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REMCONF member

The REMCONF member contains general customization parameters for Remedy.

The REMCONF member contains separate sections for the different IOA products. Each section begins with the COMPID field, and all parameters that follow that field relate to the product specified in it.

A sample member named REMCONFD is provided in IOA.BASE.GENERAL library, which must be manually copied as REMCONF in order to use it. A default REMCONF member is not provided, to avoid overwriting. An asterisk in column 1 indicates a comment.

Table 57 REMCONF parameters




Begins a component section for an IOA product. Mandatory. The only valid value is M (Control-M).


Nickname of the Remedy email address. Mandatory.

Must be defined as a regular email address in the MAILDEST member in the IOA.PARM library.


Email subject, composed of free text. Default: null. Limited to 60 characters.


A single character used as a suffix for pointing to the email template to be used when tickets are opened in Remedy. Mandatory.

The email template member that will be used is REMTMPLx, where x is the specified suffix. The member will be used from the IOA.PARM library.


Translate value for URGENCY=L (low). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=M (medium). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=H (high). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=U (urgent). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.


Translate value for URGENCY=  (blank). Mandatory. Limited to 60 characters.

Composed of free text (not null). Text must be surrounded by single quotes.

Parent Topic

Understanding the DO REMEDY configuration members