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Sample REMCONF member

The values specified in the REMTRNx parameter are used to replace the URGENCY value specified in the rule Control-M rule with the value that should be used in the Remedy ticket. Refer to "%%URGENCY%%" in REMTMPLx member.


** REMCONF - Remedy Interface Configuration                  **       

**                                                           **       

** The member should be copied as REMCONF and to reside in   **       

** the IOA.PARM library.                                     **       

**                                                           **       

** Please refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator      **  

** Guide for more information.                               **       

**                                                           **       

** Notes:                                                    **       

** ------                                                    **       

**                                                           **      

** (1) A sample of the a Remedy Email template (pointed by   **       

**     the REMTMPLS= parameter) can be found in member       **       

**     REMTMPL.                                              **       

**                                                           **       

** (2) Use the following REMTRNx settings for                **       

**     Remedy release 6:                                     **       

**                                                           **       

**       REMTRNL='Low'                                       **       

**       REMTRNM='Medium'                                    **       

**       REMTRNH='High'                                      **       

**       REMTRNU='Urgent'                                    **       

**       REMTRNB='Medium'                                    **       

**                                                           **       

**     Use the following REMTRNx settings for                **       

**     Remedy release 7:                                     **       

**                                                           **       

**       REMTRNL='4-Low'                                     **       

**       REMTRNM='3-Medium'                                  **       

**       REMTRNH='2-High'                                    **       

**       REMTRNU='1-Urgent'                                  **       

**       REMTRNB='3-Medium'                                  **       

**                                                           **       

** (3) Email nick name defined by parameter REMMAIL= should  **       

**     be defined in member MAILDEST.                        **       

**                                                           **       



** Control-M Section                                                  











The sample REMCONFD member is similar.

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REMCONF member