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Program List Members

A Program list specifies a member containing a list of programs to be activated for the options of an INCONTROL product. A Program List member exists for each INCONTROL product (including IOA).

The naming convention for Program List members is PGMxxx, where xxx is the product suffix (for example, PGMCTM is the Program List member for Control‑M).

Each product has its own program list member that contains all the options of the product. Unless specified otherwise in a transaction member, the product’s program list member is used to specify which options of the product are available for users. The PGM list member is used only if the product is installed as specified in member IOAPARM in the IOA PARM library.

Program List members are line‑oriented. Each line describes a program in the relevant product.

The format for each line in a Program List member is:

program DELETE envir [=]optioncode

Table 12 Format for Program List Member Lines




Program described in the line. If the program has been modified, the name of the new (modified) program is specified here.


A one‑character designation of the environments in which the program option is to be available. Valid values:

  • I - ISPF
  • R - KSL
  • S - TSO
  • X - Online monitor

* - All environments

blank - No environments


If specified, the equal sign indicates that this option is accessible from all screens in the IOA environment using the transfer command (for example, =5 transfers the user to the IOA Log screen). If no equal sign is specified, the option is only available from the IOA Primary Option menu.


A one or two‑character option code used to activate the specified program. To specify a different option code for a program, specify the new option code here. More than one option code can be specified for each program. No two programs can have the same option code.

Changing the option code listed in the Program List member affects only the operation of the program. To ensure that the display shows the new option code, it is necessary to update member MENU in the MSGENG library. For details, see Customizing the Menu.

Option codes for options 0, 1, and X are reserved and cannot be changed.

The following default Program List members are located in the IOAENV library:

The following is the Sample Program List member for Control‑O (member PGMCTO):






An alternate Program List member can be used to specify a modified version of a specific program (or programs) to be activated for a specific options.

Alternate program lists must contain programs for all available options of the relevant product available to the user.

Parent Topic

Customizing the IOA Online Environment