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Allocation Members

Allocation of files and datasets for each INCONTROL product is specified in Allocation members. The naming convention for Allocation members is ALCxxx, where xxx is the product suffix. Each product has its own Allocation member that contains the allocations that need to be made to access the product using the Online facility.

Two sets of Allocation members are provided in the following IOA libraries:

Table 13 IOA Libraries Containing Sets of Allocation Members




When INCONTROL products are first installed, files and datasets are allocated according to the Allocation members in the IOAENV library. This library contains the default Allocation member settings, and can be potentially overridden by periodic maintenance.


You can also customize allocations at your site by making changes to the set of Allocation members in the PARM library. Modifications to the PARM library enable localization of your INCONTROL product settings.

The IOAENV and PARM libraries contain Allocation members, including

Allocation members consist of blocks of KEY parameters that function as identifiers. These KEY parameters reference DD statement entries in a DSN member (either member IOADSN in the IOAENV library or member IOADSNL in the PARM library) where the actual DD statements and corresponding information are contained.

When allocating, member IOADSNL in the PARM library is searched for the corresponding key. If the key is not located in this member, member IOADSN in the IOAENV library is searched. Therefore, localized corrections override default allocations.

Allocation specifications are contained in both Allocation members and DSN members. This facilitates the maintenance of DD statements in one location, minimizing the risks inherent to maintaining multiple occurrences of the same DD statement.

Allocation members contain conditional statements that are evaluated according to parameters in the PARM members (for example, IOAPARM, CTMPARM) in the PARM library. The datasets specified in a product's Allocation member are only allocated if its conditional statement evaluates to true.

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Customizing the IOA Online Environment