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Customizing the Menu

Options for the IOA Primary Option menu are listed in member MENU in the IOA MSGENG library. This member can be used to modify the information in the menu display. The lines in this member might look like the following:

*      Comment

T*    IOA                    

T*X   IOA                    

TM    Control-M              

TMR   Control-M & CTM/Restart

TD    Control-D              

TDV   Control-D/V            

TO    Control-O              

TB    Control-M/Analyzer     

TB2   Control-M/Analyzer     

TT    Control-M/Tape         

Table 21 Customizing the Menu with Member MENU




Lines that begin with the letter T indicate titles that appear at the top of each box in the Box Display Type for the IOA Primary Option menu. Following the letter T is the one letter codes of the products whose options are to be displayed in the box with this title.


The line shown below indicates the title to be displayed at the top of the box containing Control‑M options.

TM    Control‑M


Lines beginning with the letter L indicate menu options. The format for an option line in the menu member is as follows:

Lproduct   environment optcode optname       opt‑description


  • product - INCONTROL product that must be installed for this option to be displayed in the menu. For example, M indicates that the option is displayed when Control‑M is installed at the site. I is for IOA.
  • environment - Environment that IOA must operate under for this option to be displayed. Valid environment specifications are:

    o  T: TSO

    o   I: ISPF

    o   0: no environment

    o   *: all environments

  • optcode - Option code used to activate (choose) the option. The option code can be one or two characters in length and must be the same as the option code for this option in the Program List member in use at your site.
  • optname - Option name. Displayed to the right of to the option code in Box format, and between the option code and the description in Line format.
  • opt-description - Option description. Displayed only in Line format. The description can be modified to aid option identification at your site (for example, it can be translated).

For more information, see the description in member MENU in the IOA MSGENG library.

Parent Topic

IOA Primary Option Menu