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IOA Primary Option Menu

The IOA Primary Option menu displays INCONTROL product options and facilities available to the user. Customizing the menu is usually not required since the menu is dynamically generated according to the options available to the user.

The IOA Primary Option menu is displayed in one of the following formats:

Reducing or increasing the number of available options might change the format in which the Primary Option menu is displayed.

Line Format Display

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)

OPTION ===>                                               USER N06     

                                                          DATE        10.02.00


2   JOB SCHEDULE DEF     CTM Job Scheduling Definition      

3   ACTIVE ENV.          TM Active Environment Display      

4   COND/RES             IOA Conditions or Resources Display 

5   LOG                  IOA Log Display                      

6   TSO                  Enter TSO Command                                 

7   MANUAL COND          IOA Manual Conditions Display                     

8   CALENDAR DEF         IOA Calendar Definition                           

IV  VARIABLE DATABASE    IOA Variable Database Definition Facility         

C   CMEM DEFINITION      CTM Event Manager Rule Definition                 

W   WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT  CTM Workload Management



Box Format Display

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)

OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06  


IOA                        Control-D/V                Control-O            


  4  COND-RES                A  MISSION STATUS         OR  RULE DEFINITION 

  5  LOG                     M  MISSION DEF            OM  MSG STATISTICS  

  6  TSO                     R  REPORT DEF             OS  RULE STATUS     




                            DO  OBJECTS                OK  KOA RECORDER    



Control-M & CTM/Restart    Control-M/Analyzer         Control-M/Tape       



  3  ACTIVE ENV.            BM  MISSION DEF            TP  POOL DEFINITION 



                            BA  RULE ACTIVITY          TC  CHECK IN EXT VOL




The menu is displayed according to the order of each product in the menu table, as described in Customizing the Menu. The IOA menu is always displayed, only in Box format, on the left side of the screen. However, changes to other menus affect the arrangement of the options of other products in the menu.

Parent Topic

Customizing the IOA Online Environment