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Transaction Members

Transaction members are line‑oriented of a transaction member. Each line contains customization information for one of the INCONTROL products installed at the site.

Transaction members can be used to determine

The format for each line in a transaction member is:

product [optiona, optionb,...optionx] [PGM=pgmlist]


Certain transaction names cannot be used for user‑defined transaction members. Reserved transaction names are: IOAX, DOLV, KOA, VK, IALL and ECS.

Member DOLV in the IOAENV library specifies option U of Control‑D:


Member DMAN in the IOAENV library specifies all options of IOA and Control‑D:



A transaction member that contains only option 3 of Control‑M and options 4 and 5 of IOA looks like this:


IOA 4,5

If a transaction member specifies only one option, once activated, the option is accessed directly without displaying a menu panel. If more than one option is specified, the following options are automatically added to the menu: 0, 1 (in some menus) and X. Therefore, the minimum number of options in a menu member is 4 or 5. Options 0,1, and X do not need to be specified in transaction members and is not specified in PGM members.

Parent Topic

Customizing the IOA Online Environment