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Entering the IOA Online Facility

In TSO and ISPF, the IOA Online facility is entered by running a CLIST (located in the IOA CLIST library). The CLIST calls IOAONL, which is the main CLIST that activates the Online facility in the specified environment.

The following CLISTs are provided for activating the IOA Online facility in the indicated environment:

Table 8 CLISTs for Activating the IOA Online Facility




TSO environment.


ISPF environment.


TSO through Cross‑Memory services.

The CLIST format used to activate the IOA Online environment under ISPF or TSO is:

IOAONL APPLTYPE(atype) [TRANID(transmem)]

If no transaction member is specified, a full list of all options for the installed products is displayed.

For more information see Transaction Members.

At a site where Control‑M and Control‑D are installed, the following CLIST enables all options for Control‑M and Control‑D under TSO: %IOAONL  APPLTYPES

Dataset allocation for the IOA Online environment can be customized using specification of overriding or alternative Allocation members in the CLIST used to activate the IOA Online environment. For more information, see Allocation Members.

You can pass a transaction ID directly as a keyword parameter to either the IOATSO or IOAISPF CLISTs. For example, IOATSO TRANID(DMAN)activates the IOA environment under TSO, setting up only the IOA and Control‑D options regardless of other products installed at the site (where transaction member DMAN contains the appropriate statements).

The following CLIST and transaction member combination enables only option U of Control‑D under ISPF (where transaction member DOLV contains the appropriate statements). In the CLIST library: %IOAONL APPLTYPE(I)  TRANID(DOLV)

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IOA Online Environment