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Viewing job output

To select and view output managed by the Job Archiving Facility, use the User Reports entry panel (Screen U) with Display Type J.

When deciding how to retrieve MSGCLASS output through the User Reports entry panel, remember the following background information:

Control-D stores the output itself in CDAM datasets. Information about the output (metadata) is stored in separate locations, which include the User Files (Active or Migrated), as well as local and global index files. The collected output is given a name (DO NAME) and assigned to a recipient (DO USER) through the decollation mission commands. In the example in this section, the report name is the job name and the recipient is USERARC. This information is stored in the User File and is used to locate output. Various occurrences of information within the output are identified by indexes. In order to determine which local indexes apply to a report, Control-D must first find the report and then find the location of the index files that the report entry points to. You also have the option of loading indexes into the Global Index Database, so that indexes can be scanned without having to first find the report.

When you retrieve output, you are typically looking for the output of a specific job, so you enter a specific job name in the User Reports entry panel. For example, JOBNAME=JOBP1234. The Job Name may be used both as a report selection criterion and as an argument to the index content search.

In response, Control-D performs the following steps:

  1. Locates entries according to the criteria specified in the Select By section of the User Reports entry panel and obtains the local index file information.
  2. Reads the index file and searches for the specified job name (for example, JOBNAME=JOBP1234).

If the output has already been consolidated, there will be relatively few entries in the User File and each local index file will contain many jobs. If the output has not yet been consolidated, there may be many entries in the Active User File and each index file will contain only a single job.

Note: For a non-consolidated job, specifying JOBNAME=ARCHIVE results in an empty report list (and message IOAE53E, THERE IS NO DATA TO DISPLAY).

In addition to the JOBNAME and USER (in this example, USERARC) that you specify on this panel, ensure that you set DISPLAY TYPE to a value of J and EXPANDED to the recommended value of Y, for a direct display of jobs and their DD names.

For further information about the User Reports entry panel and guidance for specifying values in the Index Value Selection section of this panel, see User Reports Entry Panel (Display Type J) and Index Value Selection in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

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Job Archiving